Awesome Tanks

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80% (4/5)
Awesome Tanks Unblocked is a fun and addictive online game that lets you control a tank and blast your way through various levels of enemies and obstacles. Awesome Tanks was developed by Alexander Gette, a Russian game developer who also created other popular games such as Awesome Pirates, Awesome Planes, and Awesome Cars. The game was first released on August 25, 2011 on the website Kongregate, where it received positive feedback from the players and critics. The game has since been updated several times, adding new levels, weapons, upgrades, and achievements. The latest version of the game is 1.1.0, which was released on January 9, 2013.

Controls of Awesome Tanks Unblocked

Awesome Tanks Unblocked can be played using either the basic or the advanced controls. The basic controls are as follows:

  • Use the arrow keys or the WASD keys to move your tank around the map.

  • Use the mouse to aim and shoot your cannon.

  • Use the spacebar to drop a mine behind your tank.

  • Use the 1-6 keys to switch between different weapons.

The advanced controls are similar to the basic ones, but with some additional features:

  • Use the Q and E keys to rotate your turret left and right.

  • Use the R key to manually reload your weapon.

  • Use the F key to activate a special ability (if available).

You can choose which control scheme you prefer in the game settings.

How to Play Awesome Tanks Unblocked

To play Awesome Tanks Unblocked on Classroom 6x, follow these simple steps:

  • Go to Classroom 6x website and click on the Awesome Tanks icon.

  • Wait for the game to load and then click on the Play button.

  • Choose a difficulty level (Easy, Normal, or Hard) and then click on Start Game.

  • Select a level from the map and then click on Play Level.

  • Use the controls to move your tank, aim, shoot, and drop mines.

  • Destroy all enemy tanks and turrets in each level to complete it.

  • Collect coins and bonuses from destroyed enemies and crates.

  • Use the coins to buy new weapons and upgrades for your tank in the shop.

  • Try to complete all 15 levels and unlock all achievements.


Awesome Tanks Unblocked is a fast-paced action game that requires skill, strategy, and reflexes. The game consists of 15 levels of increasing difficulty, each with a different layout, enemies, and objectives. The main goal of each level is to destroy all enemy tanks and turrets before they destroy you. You can also destroy crates and walls to find hidden coins and bonuses that can help you in your mission.

The game features a variety of weapons and upgrades that you can buy in the shop using the coins you collect. You can equip up to six weapons at a time, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some weapons are more effective against certain types of enemies or obstacles than others. For example, rockets can deal splash damage and destroy walls, but they have a slow reload time and limited ammo. On the other hand, lasers can pierce through multiple enemies and crates, but they have a low damage output and high energy consumption.

You can also upgrade your tank’s armor, speed, damage, reload time, energy capacity, and special ability. These upgrades can make your tank more durable, agile, powerful, or versatile. For example, upgrading your armor can increase your health and reduce damage taken from enemy attacks. Upgrading your speed can make your tank move faster and dodge enemy fire more easily. Upgrading your damage can make your weapons deal more damage to enemies and obstacles. Upgrading your reload time can make your weapons reload faster and fire more frequently. Upgrading your energy capacity can make your tank store more energy for using lasers or special abilities. Upgrading your special ability can make it more effective or last longer.

The game also features a number of achievements that you can unlock by completing certain tasks or challenges. Some achievements are easy to get, while others require more skill or luck. For example, some achievements require you to complete a level without taking any damage, using only one weapon type, or destroying all crates. Other achievements require you to collect a certain amount of coins, kill a certain number of enemies, or use a certain weapon or ability.

Game Modes

It has two main game modes: Campaign and Survival.

Campaign mode is the default mode of the game, where you have to complete all 15 levels in order. You can choose a difficulty level before starting the game: Easy, Normal, or Hard. The difficulty level affects how many enemies spawn in each level, how much damage they deal and take, and how much coins and bonuses they drop. You can also replay any level you have already completed to improve your score or get more coins.

Survival mode is a special mode that you can unlock after completing the campaign mode. In this mode, you have to survive as long as possible against endless waves of enemies that spawn randomly in the map. You can choose any level you have already completed in the campaign mode as the survival map. You can also use any weapons and upgrades you have bought in the shop. The longer you survive, the more enemies spawn, and the harder they become. Your score is based on how many enemies you kill and how long you last.

Advance Strategies

To master Awesome Tanks Unblocked, you need to use some advanced strategies that can help you overcome the challenges and enemies in each level. Here are some tips and tricks that can make you a better tank commander:

  • Use the right weapon for the right situation. Different weapons have different strengths and weaknesses, and you need to know when to use them effectively. For example, use rockets or grenades to destroy walls and groups of enemies, use lasers or bullets to pierce through multiple targets, use mines or flamethrowers to deal damage over time, use shotguns or machine guns to deal high damage at close range, etc.

  • Switch weapons frequently. You can equip up to six weapons at a time, and you can switch between them using the 1-6 keys. Switching weapons can help you adapt to different scenarios and enemies, as well as conserve ammo and energy. For example, switch to rockets when you see a wall or a cluster of enemies, switch to lasers when you see a line of enemies or crates, switch to mines when you are being chased by enemies, etc.

  • Use your special ability wisely. Your special ability is a powerful tool that can give you an edge in combat, but it has a cooldown time and an energy cost. You need to use it at the right moment and for the right purpose. For example, use your shield when you are low on health or surrounded by enemies, use your speed boost when you need to escape or chase an enemy, use your shockwave when you are outnumbered or cornered, etc.

  • Upgrade your tank smartly. You can upgrade your tank’s armor, speed, damage, reload time, energy capacity, and special ability in the shop using the coins you collect. You need to upgrade your tank according to your play style and preferences. For example, if you like to use lasers or special abilities a lot, upgrade your energy capacity and reload time. If you like to use rockets or grenades a lot, upgrade your damage and speed. If you like to play defensively, upgrade your armor and special ability.

  • Destroy crates and walls. Crates and walls are not only obstacles that block your way, but also potential sources of coins and bonuses that can help you in your mission. You can destroy crates and walls using any weapon, but some weapons are more efficient than others. For example, rockets and grenades can destroy multiple crates and walls with one shot, while lasers and bullets can pierce through multiple crates with one shot.

  • Collect coins and bonuses. Coins and bonuses are dropped by destroyed enemies and crates, and they can give you various benefits that can improve your performance. Coins can be used to buy new weapons and upgrades for your tank in the shop. Bonuses can be either passive or active, depending on their color. Passive bonuses are green, and they give you permanent boosts such as increased health, damage, speed, reload time, or energy capacity. Active bonuses are red or blue, and they give you temporary effects such as invincibility, rapid fire, double damage, or slow motion.

  • Explore the map. The map of each level is not fully visible at first, but it reveals itself as you move around. Exploring the map can help you find hidden coins and bonuses that can help you in your mission. It can also help you find shortcuts or alternative routes that can help you avoid or ambush enemies.

Tips for Winning

To win Awesome Tanks Unblocked, you need to complete all 15 levels in the campaign mode or survive as long as possible in the survival mode. Here are some general tips that can help you achieve victory:

  • Be aware of your surroundings. You need to pay attention to what is happening around you at all times. You need to watch out for enemy tanks and turrets that can shoot at you from different directions. You also need to watch out for mines that can explode when you touch them or get near them.

  • Be agile and unpredictable. You need to move around constantly and change directions frequently. This can help you dodge enemy fire and surprise them with your attacks. You also need to use cover wisely and take advantage of the terrain features such as hills, bridges, ramps, etc.

  • Be aggressive but cautious. You need to balance between offense and defense in each situation. You need to attack enemies when they are vulnerable or distracted, but also retreat when they are too strong


Awesome Tanks Unblocked is a web-based game that can be played on any browser that supports Flash. You can play it on various websites such as Kongregate, Classroom 6x, Armor Games, and more. You can also download it as a standalone application for Windows or Mac from the developer’s website. The game is compatible with both keyboard and mouse controls, and it has an option to toggle between full-screen and windowed mode.


It has many features that make it an enjoyable and challenging game. Some of the main features are:

  • 15 levels of different maps, enemies, and objectives in the campaign mode.

  • An endless survival mode where you have to face increasing waves of enemies.

  • A variety of weapons and upgrades that you can buy and customize for your tank.

  • A number of achievements that you can unlock by completing certain tasks or challenges.

  • A simple but colorful graphics style that suits the game’s theme and mood.

  • A catchy and upbeat soundtrack that adds to the game’s atmosphere and excitement.

Review of Awesome Tanks Unblocked

Awesome Tanks Unblocked Tanks is a game that deserves its name. It is an awesome game that offers a lot of fun and action for anyone who likes tanks and explosions. The game has a simple but addictive gameplay that keeps you hooked and entertained for hours. The game also has a lot of replay value, as you can try different weapons, upgrades, strategies, and modes. The game is suitable for players of all ages and skill levels, as it has a range of difficulty options and a user-friendly interface.

The game is not without its flaws, however. The game can be repetitive and frustrating at times, especially in the later levels or the survival mode. The game can also be buggy and glitchy at times, causing some errors or crashes. The game could also use some more variety and innovation, such as more levels, enemies, weapons, upgrades, abilities, or modes.


  • Fun and addictive gameplay

  • Variety of weapons and upgrades

  • Achievements and modes

  • Simple but colorful graphics

  • Catchy and upbeat soundtrack


  • Repetitive and frustrating at times

  • Buggy and glitchy at times

  • Lacks variety and innovation

In Summary

Awesome Tanks Unblocked is a fun and addictive online game that lets you control a tank and blast your way through various levels of enemies and obstacles. The game features a variety of weapons and upgrades that you can buy in the shop using the coins you collect. The game also features a number of achievements that you can unlock by completing certain tasks or challenges. The game has two main game modes: Campaign and Survival. Campaign mode is the default mode of the game, where you have to complete all 15 levels in order. Survival mode is a special mode that you can unlock after completing the campaign mode. In this mode, you have to survive as long as possible against endless waves of enemies that spawn randomly in the map.


Awesome Tanks Unblocked is an awesome game that offers a lot of fun and action for anyone who likes tanks and explosions. The game has a simple but addictive gameplay that keeps you hooked and entertained for hours. The game also has a lot of replay value, as you can try different weapons, upgrades, strategies, and modes. The game is suitable for players of all ages and skill levels, as it has a range of difficulty options and a user-friendly interface. However, the game is not without its flaws, as it can be repetitive and frustrating at times, buggy and glitchy at times, and lacks variety and innovation at times. Overall, this is a great game that deserves a try if you are looking for some tank action.


Shooting Action Funny