
Played 493 times.

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BoxRob unblocked is a puzzle platform game that you can play online for free on Classroom 6x. The game was developed by 7Spot Games, a studio that specializes in creating casual and addictive games for web and mobile platforms. 7Spot Games has also created other popular puzzle games, such as Duo Survival, Duo Vikings, ZOOM-BE, and Truck Loader.

It was released in 2022 and has received positive feedback from players and critics alike. The game has been praised for its simple yet engaging gameplay, its cute and colorful graphics, and its clever level design. The game has also been featured on several gaming websites and blogs, such as Classroom 6x, where it was described as “a fun and challenging game that will test your skills and logic”.


BoxRob unblocked is easy to play, but hard to master. You control a robot with a flexible forklift, and your objective is to load cargo onto a truck with your forklift. You can move left and right with the A and D keys, and jump with the W key. You can also use the mouse or the left mouse button to pick up and drop boxes with your forklift. You need to collect all the boxes and drop them into their appropriate slot on the truck. Some boxes have different shapes, colors, and sizes, and you need to match them with the corresponding slot. You also need to avoid obstacles, such as spikes, lasers, and enemies, that can damage your robot or your boxes.

How to Play BoxRob unblocked

To play BoxRob unblocked, you can visit Classroom 6x.  You can also download the game from the Chrome Web Store and play it offline on your browser. The game does not require any registration or installation, and you can start playing right away.

The game has 30 levels, each with a different layout and difficulty. The levels are divided into three worlds: Warehouse, Factory, and Space. Each world has its own theme and challenges, such as moving platforms, conveyor belts, gravity switches, and more. To complete a level, you need to load all the boxes onto the truck and then exit the truck. You can see how many boxes you need to collect and how many you have collected on the top left corner of the screen. You can also see your score and the time you have spent on the level on the top right corner of the screen. You can pause the game by pressing the Esc key or clicking on the pause button on the bottom right corner of the screen.


BoxRob unblocked is a game that combines puzzle and platform elements. You need to use your forklift to manipulate the boxes and place them on the truck. However, you also need to use your platforming skills to navigate the levels and avoid the hazards. The game requires both logic and reflexes, as you need to plan your moves and execute them quickly. The game also has a physics engine, which means that the boxes and the forklift behave realistically. For example, the boxes can fall, slide, bounce, and stack, and the forklift can bend, stretch, and swing. You need to take these factors into account when solving the puzzles.

The game also has a variety of boxes, each with its own properties and functions. For example, some boxes are heavy, some are light, some are explosive, some are magnetic, and some are electric. You need to use these boxes to your advantage or avoid them if they are harmful. For example, you can use the explosive boxes to destroy obstacles or enemies, or you can use the magnetic boxes to attract or repel other boxes. You also need to be careful not to damage the boxes or your robot, as they can break or malfunction if they take too much damage.

The game also has a number of enemies and traps that can hinder your progress or harm you. For example, there are security robots, drones, turrets, mines, lasers, and spikes that can shoot, chase, or explode on you. You need to avoid or destroy these enemies and traps, or use them to your advantage. For example, you can use the enemies to trigger switches or activate platforms, or you can use the traps to eliminate the enemies or the boxes.

Game Modes

It has two game modes: Normal and Hard. In Normal mode, you can play the game at your own pace and enjoy the puzzles and the platforming. In Hard mode, you have a limited amount of time to complete each level, and the levels are more difficult and challenging. You can choose the game mode before you start playing, and you can switch between them at any time. You can also replay any level you have completed to improve your score or time.

Advance Strategies

This is a game that requires both skill and strategy. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you beat the game and get the best score and time possible:

  • Plan ahead. Before you start moving the boxes, take a look at the level and the truck, and see where you need to place the boxes. Try to find the shortest and easiest path to the truck, and avoid unnecessary detours or backtracking.

  • Use the environment. The levels are full of interactive elements, such as buttons, levers, switches, platforms, and more. You can use these elements to help you move the boxes or access new areas. For example, you can use the buttons to open doors or activate elevators, or you can use the platforms to reach higher or lower places.

  • Use the boxes. The boxes are not only your cargo, but also your tools. You can use the boxes to help you solve the puzzles or overcome the obstacles. For example, you can use the boxes to block lasers or spikes, or you can use the boxes to create bridges or ramps.

  • Use the forklift. The forklift is your main weapon and your best friend. You can use the forklift to manipulate the boxes and the environment, as well as to defend yourself and attack the enemies. For example, you can use the forklift to swing the boxes or throw them, or you can use the forklift to hit or grab the enemies or the traps.

  • Be careful. The game is full of dangers and surprises, and you need to be alert and cautious at all times. You need to watch out for the enemies and the traps, as well as the boxes and the forklift. You need to avoid damaging the boxes or your robot, as they can break or malfunction if they take too much damage. You also need to avoid falling off the edges or into the pits, as you will lose a life and restart the level.

Tips for Winning

BoxRob unblocked is a game that can be challenging and frustrating, but also rewarding and satisfying. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you win the game and have fun:

  • Practice. The game has a learning curve, and you need to get used to the controls and the mechanics. The game also has a lot of trial and error, and you need to experiment and test different solutions. The more you play, the more you will learn and improve.

  • Be patient. The game can be difficult and tricky, and you may get stuck or fail many times. Don’t give up or rage quit, but try again and again. The game has a hint system, which can give you some clues or suggestions if you are lost or confused. You can also watch videos or read guides online, if you need more help or inspiration.

  • Be creative. The game has multiple ways to solve the puzzles and complete the levels. Don’t be afraid to try new things or explore different possibilities. You may find some hidden secrets or shortcuts, or you may discover some fun and funny outcomes. The game also has a lot of humor and charm, and you may enjoy the game more if you play along with it.

  • Have fun. The game is meant to be fun and entertaining, not stressful or boring. Don’t worry too much about the score or the time, but focus on the gameplay and the experience. The game has a lot of variety and diversity, and you may find something new and interesting in every level. The game also has a lot of personality and style, and you may appreciate the game more if you pay attention to the details and the aesthetics.


BoxRob unblocked is a web-based game, which means that you can play it on any device that has a browser and an internet connection. You can play it on your computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, as long as you have a compatible browser, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge. The game is also optimized for mobile devices, and you can play it with touch controls or tilt controls. The game also has a responsive design, which means that it can adapt to different screen sizes and orientations.


This is a game that has a lot of features and qualities that make it a great puzzle platform game. Some of the features are:

  • 30 levels of fun and challenge, each with a different layout and difficulty

  • 3 worlds of adventure and exploration, each with its own theme and challenges

  • A physics engine that makes the boxes and the forklift behave realistically

  • A variety of boxes, each with its own properties and functions

  • A number of enemies and traps that can challenge or help you

  • Two game modes: Normal and Hard, for different levels of difficulty and challenge

  • A hint system that can give you some clues or suggestions if you are stuck or confused

  • A score and time system that can measure your performance and progress

  • A pause and resume feature that can let you play the game at your own pace

  • A save and load feature that can let you continue the game from where you left off

  • A sound and music feature that can enhance the mood and atmosphere of the game

  • A fullscreen and windowed feature that can let you adjust the size and quality of the game

  • A mobile and desktop feature that can let you play the game on any device and platform


BoxRob unblocked is a game that can appeal to anyone who likes puzzle and platform games. The game has a lot of fun and challenge, as well as variety and diversity. The game also has a lot of humor and charm, as well as personality and style. The game is easy to play, but hard to master, and it can keep you entertained and engaged for hours. The game is also free to play, and you can access it from any device and platform. The game is a great example of how a simple idea can be turned into a great game, and how a game can be both casual and addictive.

Here are some pros and cons of the game:


  • Simple yet engaging gameplay

  • Cute and colorful graphics

  • Clever and creative level design

  • Physics-based puzzles and platforming

  • Interactive and dynamic environment

  • Variety and diversity of boxes, enemies, and traps

  • Two game modes for different levels of difficulty and challenge

  • Hint system for help and guidance

  • Score and time system for performance and progress

  • Pause and resume feature for convenience and comfort

  • Save and load feature for continuity and completion

  • Sound and music feature for mood and atmosphere

  • Fullscreen and windowed feature for size and quality

  • Mobile and desktop feature for device and platform


  • Some levels can be too difficult or frustrating

  • Some boxes or enemies can be too annoying or harmful

  • Some physics or mechanics can be too unpredictable or unrealistic

  • Some bugs or glitches can occur occasionally

In Summary

BoxRob unblocked is a puzzle platform game that you can play online for free on various websites. The game was developed by 7Spot Games, a studio that specializes in creating casual and addictive games for web and mobile platforms. The game has 30 levels, each with a different layout and difficulty. The levels are divided into three worlds: Warehouse, Factory, and Space. Each world has its own theme and challenges. You control a robot with a flexible forklift, and your objective is to load cargo onto a truck with your forklift. You need to collect all the boxes and drop them into their appropriate slot on the truck. Some boxes have different shapes, colors, and sizes, and you need to match them with the corresponding slot. You also need to avoid obstacles, such as spikes, lasers, and enemies, that can damage your robot or your boxes. The game has a physics engine, which means that the boxes and the forklift behave realistically. The game also has a variety of boxes, each with its own properties and functions. The game also has a number of enemies and traps that can hinder your progress or harm you. The game has two game modes: Normal and Hard. In Normal mode, you can play the game at your own pace and enjoy the puzzles and the platforming. In Hard mode, you have a limited amount of time to complete each level, and the levels are more difficult and challenging. The game also has a hint system, a score and time system, a pause and resume feature, a save and load feature, a sound and music feature, a fullscreen and windowed feature, and a mobile and desktop feature.


BoxRob unblocked is a game that can provide you with a lot of fun and challenge, as well as variety and diversity. The game is a game that can appeal to anyone who likes puzzle and platform games. The game is a game that can keep you entertained and engaged for hours. The game is a game that can be played on any device and platform. The game is a game that can be enjoyed by anyone and everyone.


Puzzle Action