Google Snake Game

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Google Snake Game is a fun and interactive version of the classic Snake game that has been incorporated as an interactive doodle on the Google homepage on certain occasions. Google often creates doodles to celebrate holidays, events, and important people. The Google Snake Game was first introduced on April 1, 2019, as part of the April Fools’ Day celebration. The game allows you to explore and eat your way around the world through Google Maps. Google Snake game not available of most gaming website but classroom 6x provides you this game you can play now easily online free

You can also play Google Doodle Game - Google Minesweeper


The game can be played using either the keyboard or the mouse. You can use the WASD keys or the arrow keys to move the snake around the map. You can also use the mouse to click on the direction you want the snake to go. You can pause the game by pressing the spacebar or clicking on the pause button at the bottom right corner of the screen.

How to Play Google Snake Game

To play the game, you need to follow these steps:

  1. first you need open your browser and go to the classroom6x

  2. And than search Google Snake Game or Google Doodle and click on the play button.

  3. Choose a destination from the list of cities or landmarks, or click on “I’m feeling lucky” to get a random location.

  4. Click on “Start” to begin the game.

  5. Move the snake around the map and eat as many apples as possible to increase your score and length.

  6. Avoid hitting the walls, obstacles, or your own tail, as this will end the game.

  7. Try to collect all the landmarks in each location to unlock new destinations and achievements.

The Gameplay

The gameplay of this game is similar to the original Snake game, but with some added features and challenges. The game has different modes, such as classic, arcade, and maps. In classic mode, you play on a simple green grid with no obstacles or landmarks. In arcade mode, you play on a colorful grid with various obstacles that change every time you play. In maps mode, you play on a realistic map of a city or a landmark with corresponding obstacles and landmarks.

The game also has different levels of difficulty, such as easy, medium, hard, and master. The difficulty affects the speed of the snake and the number of obstacles and landmarks in each location. The higher the difficulty, the faster the snake and the more challenging the game.

The game has a leaderboard that shows your highest score and rank among other players. You can also see your achievements and statistics in the game menu. You can share your score and achievements with your friends through social media or email.

Game Modes

The game has three main game modes: classic, arcade, and maps. Each mode has its own features and challenges.

Classic Mode

Classic mode is the simplest and most basic mode of the game. It is similar to the original Snake game that was popular in mobile phones and computers in the late 1990s and early 2000s. In this mode, you play on a green grid with no obstacles or landmarks. The only goal is to eat as many apples as possible and grow longer without hitting yourself or the walls.

Arcade Mode

Arcade mode is a more colorful and dynamic mode of the game. It is inspired by retro arcade games that were popular in the 1980s and 1990s. In this mode, you play on a colorful grid with various obstacles that change every time you play. The obstacles include walls, blocks, bombs, portals, magnets, spikes, lasers, and more. Some obstacles can help you or hinder you depending on how you use them. For example, portals can teleport you to another part of the grid, but they can also make you hit yourself or an obstacle if you are not careful.

Maps Mode

Maps mode is the most realistic and interactive mode of the game. It is based on Google Maps technology that allows you to explore different locations around the world through satellite imagery and street view. In this mode, you play on a map of a city or a landmark with corresponding obstacles and landmarks. The obstacles include buildings, roads, bridges, rivers, trees, cars, buses, trains, planes, boats, animals, people, statues, monuments, and more. Some obstacles can be eaten or destroyed by your snake, while others can block your way or damage your snake if you hit them.

The landmarks are special items that represent famous places or attractions in each location. They include towers, temples, pyramids, castles, palaces, churches, mosques, museums, stadiums, parks, gardens, fountains, waterfalls, and more. Some landmarks can be eaten by your snake, while others can only be collected by passing through them. Collecting all the landmarks in each location will unlock new destinations and achievements.

Advance Strategies for

To master this game, you need to develop some advance strategies that can help you improve your score and avoid losing. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you play better:

  • Plan your moves ahead. Try to anticipate where the apples, obstacles, and landmarks will appear and move accordingly. Avoid making sudden turns or changes in direction that can make you hit yourself or an obstacle.

  • Use the obstacles to your advantage. Some obstacles can help you or hinder you depending on how you use them. For example, portals can teleport you to another part of the grid, but they can also make you hit yourself or an obstacle if you are not careful. Learn how to use the obstacles to your benefit and avoid the ones that can harm you.

  • Collect the landmarks as soon as possible. The landmarks are special items that represent famous places or attractions in each location. They are worth more points than the apples and can also unlock new destinations and achievements. Try to collect all the landmarks in each location as soon as possible before your snake gets too long and hard to control.

  • Choose the right mode and difficulty for your skill level. The game has different modes and levels of difficulty that can suit your preference and skill level. Choose the mode and difficulty that you enjoy and challenge yourself with. If you find the game too easy or too hard, you can always change the mode or difficulty in the game menu.

Google Snake Game Tips for Winning for avoid losing

To win this game, you need to follow some basic rules that can help you avoid losing. Here are some tips and rules that can help you win:

  • Do not hit yourself or the walls. This is the most common and obvious way to lose the game. If your snake hits itself or the walls, the game will end immediately. Try to avoid making sharp turns or crossing your own path that can make you hit yourself. Also, try to avoid hitting the walls or the edges of the grid that can limit your movement and trap you.

  • Do not hit the obstacles that can damage your snake. Some obstacles can damage your snake if you hit them, such as bombs, spikes, lasers, and more. These obstacles will reduce your snake’s length by a certain amount depending on the type of obstacle. If your snake’s length reaches zero, the game will end. Try to avoid hitting these obstacles or eat them if possible to prevent them from harming you.

  • Do not run out of time. Some locations have a time limit that will count down from a certain number of seconds depending on the difficulty level. If you run out of time, the game will end. Try to eat as many apples and landmarks as possible to increase your score and time before the time runs out.


Google Snake Game is a web-based game that can be played on any device that has a browser and an internet connection. You can play it on your computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or any other device that supports HTML5 technology. You do not need to download or install anything to play the game.

Key Features

it has many features that make it fun and engaging for players of all ages and backgrounds. Some of these features are:

  • Interactive doodle: The game is an interactive doodle that appears on the Google homepage on certain occasions. You can click on the doodle to start playing the game without leaving the Google homepage.

  • Google Maps integration: The game uses Google Maps technology to create realistic maps of different locations around the world. You can explore and eat your way around various cities and landmarks through satellite imagery and street view.

  • Multiple modes: The game has three main modes: classic, arcade, and maps. Each mode has its own features and challenges that suit different preferences and skill levels.

  • Multiple difficulties: The game has four levels of difficulty: easy, medium, hard, and master. The difficulty affects the speed of the snake and the number of obstacles and landmarks in each location. The higher the difficulty, the faster the snake and the more challenging the game.

  • Leaderboard: The game has a leaderboard that shows your highest score and rank among other players. You can see how you compare with other players around the world or in your region.

  • Achievements: The game has various achievements that you can unlock by completing certain tasks or goals in the game. Some achievements are based on your score, length, time, mode, difficulty, location, landmark, obstacle, or other criteria.

  • Statistics: The game has statistics that show your performance and progress in the game. You can see how many times you have played, how long you have played, how many apples you have eaten, how many landmarks you have collected, how many obstacles you have encountered, how many times you have died, and more.

  • Share: The game allows you to share your score and achievements with your friends through social media or email. You can also invite your friends to play with you or challenge them to beat your score.


The Google Snake game is a simple but addictive game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a great way to kill some time or to challenge yourself to beat your own high score.

Pros and Cons

Google Snake Game has many pros and cons that can affect your enjoyment and satisfaction of the game. Here are some of them:


  • The game is free and accessible to anyone who has a browser and an internet connection. You do not need to download or install anything to play the game.

  • The game is fun and engaging for players of all ages and backgrounds. You can play it for entertainment, education, or relaxation.

  • The game is challenging and rewarding for players who want to improve their skills and compete with others. You can play it on different modes, difficulties, locations, and landmarks to test your abilities and achievements.

  • The game is creative and innovative for players who want to explore and discover new things. You can play it on different maps that show realistic and diverse views of the world.


  • The game can be frustrating and addictive for players who get too obsessed or competitive with the game. You can lose track of time, waste your energy, or neglect your responsibilities while playing the game.

  • The game can be boring and repetitive for players who get tired or bored of the game. You can lose interest, motivation, or enjoyment while playing the game.

  • The game can be inaccurate and misleading for players who rely on the game for information or education. You can get confused, misinformed, or deceived by the game’s representation of the world.

In Summary

Google Snake Game is a web-based game that combines the classic Snake game with Google Maps technology. The game allows you to explore and eat your way around the world through Google Maps. The game has three main modes: classic, arcade, and maps. Each mode has its own features and challenges that suit different preferences and skill levels. The game also has four levels of difficulty: easy, medium, hard, and master. The difficulty affects the speed of the snake and the number of obstacles and landmarks in each location. The higher the difficulty, the faster the snake and the more challenging the game.

The game has many features that make it fun and engaging for players of all ages and backgrounds. Some of these features are: interactive doodle, Google Maps integration, multiple modes, multiple difficulties, leaderboard, achievements, statistics, and share. The game also has many pros and cons that can affect your enjoyment and satisfaction of the game. Some of these pros and cons are: free and accessible, fun and engaging, challenging and rewarding, creative and innovative, frustrating and addictive, boring and repetitive, inaccurate and misleading.


Google Snake Game is a fun and interactive game that combines the classic Snake game with Google Maps technology. The game is a great way to enjoy yourself, learn new things, and challenge yourself with different modes, difficulties, locations, and landmarks. The game is also a great way to appreciate the beauty, diversity, and complexity of the world through Google Maps. The game is not perfect, and it has its flaws and limitations, but it is still a remarkable and enjoyable game that deserves your attention and appreciation.


Funny Google Doodle Games