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Growisland Unblocked is an online video game in which players must create an entire island by placing various items on it. The items are represented by icons that can be clicked in a certain order. The order of the icons affects the development and outcome of the island. The game is part of the Grow series, created by EYEZMAZE, a Japanese developer.


The game is controlled by the left mouse button. To place an item on the island, simply click on the corresponding icon at the bottom of the screen. The icons are: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Applied Chemistry, Aeronautics, Marine Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. Each icon has a different effect on the island and its inhabitants.

How to Play

The goal of the game is to place all the items on the island and achieve the maximum level of development for each item. The level of development is indicated by a number next to the icon, ranging from 0 to 8. The higher the number, the more advanced the item is. The game has multiple endings, depending on the order of the icons. To play the game, follow these steps:

  • Go to Grow Island on Classroom 6x.

  • Click on the “Play” button to start the game.

  • Click on the icons in any order you like. Watch how the island changes as you place the items.

  • Try to find the best order of the icons to achieve the maximum level of development for each item. You can reset the game by clicking on the “Reset” button at the top right corner of the screen.

  • Enjoy the different endings and animations of the game.


The gameplay of Growisland Unblocked is simple and fun. The game is based on the concept of emergence, where complex systems arise from simple interactions. The game challenges the player to think creatively and logically, as the order of the icons affects the outcome of the game. The game also has a humorous and whimsical tone, as the island and its inhabitants undergo various transformations and scenarios. The game is suitable for all ages and can be played in a short time.


Growisland Unblocked is a browser-based game that can be played on desktop, mobile, and tablet devices. The game requires Flash Player to run. The game can be accessed from Classroom 6x


Some of the features of Growisland Unblocked are:

  • A unique and original puzzle game that involves creating an island by placing items on it.

  • A game that has multiple endings and possibilities, depending on the order of the icons.

  • A game that has colorful and cute graphics and animations, as well as sound effects and music.

  • A game that is easy to play and control, but hard to master and solve.

  • A game that is fun and entertaining, as well as educational and stimulating.


Here is a brief review of Growisland Unblocked, based on its pros and cons:


  • A game that is creative and innovative, as it combines puzzle and simulation elements.

  • A game that is engaging and addictive, as it encourages the player to try different combinations and explore the outcomes.

  • A game that is amusing and enjoyable, as it showcases the humor and imagination of the developer.

  • A game that is free and accessible, as it can be played online on various platforms and devices.


  • A game that is short and limited, as it has only one level and eight icons to choose from.

  • A game that is repetitive and predictable, as it has the same animations and events for each item.

  • A game that is frustrating and challenging, as it requires trial and error and logic to find the optimal order of the icons.

  • A game that is outdated and obsolete, as it requires Flash Player to run and has not been updated since 2013.


Growisland Unblocked is a browser-based puzzle game that involves creating an island by placing items on it. The game is part of the Grow series, created by EYEZMAZE, a Japanese developer. The game is simple and fun, but also complex and hard. The game has multiple endings and possibilities, depending on the order of the icons. The game has colorful and cute graphics and animations, as well as sound effects and music. The game is easy to play and control, but hard to master and solve. The game is creative and innovative, but also short and limited. The game is engaging and addictive, but also repetitive and predictable. The game is amusing and enjoyable, but also frustrating and challenging. The game is free and accessible, but also outdated and obsolete. Growisland Unblocked is a game that has its pros and cons, but overall, it is a game that is worth playing and experiencing.


Puzzle .IO