Zerg Rush

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Zerg Rush Unblocked is a fun and addictive game that was created by Google as an Easter egg to celebrate the popular strategy game StarCraft. In this game, you have to defend your search results from a swarm of O’s that attack and destroy them. Here is some information about the game, its developer, release date, history, controls, gameplay, modes, strategies, tips, platforms, features, review, summary and conclusion. and you can play Zerg Rush Unblocked by google game on classroom6x


it was developed by Google as a hidden feature of its search engine. The game was inspired by the term “Zerg Rush Unblocked”, which refers to a tactic in StarCraft where the player sends a large number of weak units (called Zergs) to overwhelm the enemy’s base. The game was first discovered by users on April 27, 2012.

Release Date

it was released on April 27, 2012 as an Easter egg on Google.com The game is still accessible by typing “Zerg Rush Unblocked” in the search bar and clicking “I’m Feeling Lucky” or selecting the first result.


Zerg Rush Unblocked is one of the many Easter eggs that Google has created over the years to entertain and surprise its users. Some of the other Easter eggs include Google Gravity, Google Pac-Man, Google Snake, Google Atari Breakout, Google Thanos Snap and more. this is also one of the few Easter eggs that are interactive and playable. The game pays homage to StarCraft, a popular real-time strategy game developed by Blizzard Entertainment and released in 1998. StarCraft is widely regarded as one of the best and most influential games of all time, especially in the esports scene.

Controls of Zerg Rush Unblocked

this is a simple game that can be played with just a mouse. To play the game, you need to:

  • Move your mouse cursor over the O’s to target them.

  • Click on the O’s repeatedly to destroy them before they reach and consume the search results.

  • Scroll down the page to see more O’s coming from different directions.

  • Keep track of your score and health in the top right corner of the page.

How to Play Zerg Rush Unblocked

To play this game, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to Google.com or classroom6x in a web browser. You can use any browser such as Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox or others.

  2. Type “Zerg Rush Unblocked” in the search field and click “I’m Feeling Lucky” or select the first result. This will launch the game on the search results page.

  3. Wait for a few seconds until you see some O’s appearing on the page. These are the Zergs that will try to destroy your search results.

  4. Click on the O’s as fast as you can to eliminate them. Each O takes three clicks to be destroyed. You can also move your cursor over multiple O’s to target them at once.

  5. Scroll down the page to see more O’s coming from different directions. You need to be quick and alert to defend your search results from all sides.

  6. Keep playing until all your search results are gone or you have destroyed all the O’s. The game will end with a “GG” (Good Game) message in the center of the page.

  7. Share your score and challenge your friends by clicking on the + button on the left side of the page.

Gameplay Zerg Rush Unblocked

This is a fast-paced and challenging game that tests your reflexes and mouse skills. The game has two main elements: the O’s and the search results.

The O’s are small red circles that represent the Zergs from StarCraft. They appear randomly on the page and move towards the search results. They have different speeds and sizes depending on their color. The darker ones are faster and smaller, while the lighter ones are slower and bigger. The O’s also have different health points depending on their size. The smaller ones take one click to be destroyed, while the bigger ones take two or three clicks.

The search results are the links and snippets that appear on the page after typing “Zerg Rush Unblocked” in the search bar. They are your base that you need to protect from the O’s. Each search result has a green health bar above it that shows how much damage it has taken from the O’s. When a search result loses all its health, it disappears from the page along with its health bar.

The game has two main objectives: to destroy as many O’s as possible and to keep as many search results alive as possible. Your score is based on both these factors. You get one point for each O you destroy and one point for each second you keep a search result alive. Your score is displayed in a box in the top right corner of the page along with your health bar.

Your health bar represents your overall defense level against the O’s. It starts at 100% and decreases gradually as the O’s consume the search results. When your health bar reaches zero, the game is over and you lose. You can also end the game prematurely by destroying all the O’s on the page, which is very difficult to do.

Game Modes

it has two game modes: normal and hard. You can choose the game mode by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of the page before starting the game.

  • Normal mode: This is the default mode of the game. The O’s appear at a moderate rate and speed, and the search results have a normal amount of health. This mode is suitable for beginners and casual players who want to have some fun and challenge themselves.

  • Hard mode: This is the advanced mode of the game. The O’s appear at a faster rate and speed, and the search results have less health. This mode is suitable for experts and hardcore players who want to test their limits and skills.

Advance Strategies

this is a simple game, but it requires some strategies and techniques to achieve a high score and win. Here are some tips and tricks to help you improve your performance and beat the game:

  • Use both hands: One of the best ways to increase your clicking speed and accuracy is to use both your hands. You can use one hand to move the mouse cursor and the other hand to click on the O’s. This way, you can target more O’s at once and destroy them faster.

  • Prioritize your targets: Not all O’s are equal in terms of threat level and difficulty. You should focus on destroying the O’s that are closer to the search results, especially the ones that are about to consume them. You should also prioritize the O’s that are faster and smaller, as they are harder to hit and deal more damage.

  • Use multiple tabs: Another way to enhance your gameplay is to use multiple tabs or windows of your browser. You can open several tabs or windows of Google.com and type “Zerg Rush Unblocked” in each one of them. Then, you can switch between them quickly by using keyboard shortcuts or clicking on them. This way, you can play multiple games at once and increase your chances of winning.

  • Practice regularly: Like any other skill, playing this game Unblocked requires practice and repetition. The more you play, the more you will improve your reflexes, mouse skills, and strategies. You can also watch videos or tutorials of other players who have achieved high scores or won the game. You can learn from their techniques and mistakes and apply them to your own gameplay.

Tips for Winning

This is a very hard game to win, as it seems impossible to destroy all the O’s before they consume all the search results. However, some players have claimed that they have managed to beat the game by using some tricks and hacks. Here are some of them:

  • Use an autoclicker: An autoclicker is a software or device that automatically clicks on your mouse at a certain rate or speed. You can use an autoclicker to click on the O’s faster than humanly possible and destroy them easily. However, this method is considered cheating and unfair by many players, as it takes away the fun and challenge of the game.

  • Use a script: A script is a code or program that performs a specific task or action on your computer or browser. You can use a script to manipulate or modify the game’s code or behavior. For example, you can use a script to increase your health bar, decrease the O’s speed, or remove them altogether. However, this method is also considered cheating and unethical by many players, as it alters the original design and intention of the game.

  • Use a glitch: A glitch is an error or flaw in a software or system that causes it to behave unexpectedly or incorrectly. You can use a glitch to exploit or take advantage of the game’s bugs or weaknesses. For example, you can use a glitch to freeze or stop the O’s movement, duplicate or multiply them, or make them disappear. However, this method is also considered cheating and dishonest by many players, as it abuses the game’s faults or defects.


this is a web-based game that can be played on any device that has a web browser and an internet connection. You can play this game on:

  • Desktop computers: You can play this game on desktop computers such as Windows PC, Mac OS X, Linux, Chrome OS or others. You can use any web browser such as Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge or others.

  • Mobile devices: You can also play this game on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets that run on Android, iOS, Windows Phone or others. However, playing this game on mobile devices may be more difficult and less enjoyable than playing on desktop computers due to several reasons such as smaller screen size, lower resolution, touch controls, limited battery life or others.


It has several features that make it an enjoyable and addictive game. Some of the features are:

  • Sound effects: It has sound effects that enhance the game’s atmosphere and feedback. You can hear the O’s making noises as they move and attack, the search results making sounds as they get damaged or destroyed, and the game making sounds as you score or lose. You can also hear a voice saying “GG” at the end of the game. You can mute or unmute the sound effects by clicking on the speaker icon in the top right corner of the page.

  • Sharing options: It allows you to share your score and challenge your friends by clicking on the + button on the left side of the page. You can choose from various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Reddit or others. You can also copy and paste the URL of your game to share it with anyone.

  • Leaderboard: It has a leaderboard that shows the highest scores achieved by players around the world. You can access the leaderboard by clicking on the trophy icon in the top right corner of the page. You can see your rank, score, name, country and date of your game. You can also see the top 10 players and their scores.

  • Achievements: It has several achievements that you can unlock by completing certain tasks or goals in the game. You can see your achievements by clicking on the star icon in the top right corner of the page. Some of the achievements are:

    • Zergling: Destroy 10 O’s in a single game.

    • Hydralisk: Destroy 50 O’s in a single game.

    • Mutalisk: Destroy 100 O’s in a single game.

    • Ultralisk: Destroy 250 O’s in a single game.

    • Queen: Destroy 500 O’s in a single game.

    • Overlord: Destroy 1000 O’s in a single game.

    • Broodlord: Destroy 2000 O’s in a single game.

    • Survivor: Keep at least one search result alive for 60 seconds.

    • Defender: Keep at least one search result alive for 120 seconds.

    • Protector: Keep at least one search result alive for 180 seconds.

    • Hero: Keep at least one search result alive for 240 seconds.

    • Legend: Keep at least one search result alive for 300 seconds.

    • Normal Mode: Complete a game in normal mode.

    • Hard Mode: Complete a game in hard mode.


This is a fun and addictive game that will keep you entertained and challenged for hours. The game is simple to play but hard to master, as it requires quick reflexes, mouse skills and strategies. The game is also a tribute to StarCraft, one of the most iconic and influential games of all time. The game has several features that make it more enjoyable and engaging, such as sound effects, sharing options, leaderboard and achievements. The game is also free and accessible to anyone who has a web browser and an internet connection.

However, this is not without its flaws and limitations. The game can be frustrating and repetitive after a while, as it seems impossible to win or destroy all the O’s. The game can also be boring and monotonous for some players who prefer more variety and complexity in their games. The game can also be affected by external factors such as internet speed, browser performance or device compatibility.

In Summary

Zerg Rush Unblocked is a web-based game that was created by Google as an Easter egg to celebrate StarCraft. In this game, you have to defend your search results from a swarm of O’s that attack and destroy them. The game has two modes: normal and hard. The game has several features such as sound effects, sharing options, leaderboard and achievements. The game is fun and addictive but also frustrating and repetitive.


Zerg Rush Unblocked is a great game for fans of StarCraft or Google Easter eggs. It is a simple but challenging game that will test your reflexes and mouse skills. It is also a fun way to kill some time or challenge your friends. However, if you are looking for a more sophisticated or diverse game, you may want to look elsewhere. this is a good game but not a perfect one.

