Awesome Run 2

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Awesome Run 2 is a running game that lets you take part in this challenging running championship against three other professional runners. You can collect energy drinks, weapons, and other items to boost your speed and slow down your opponents. You can also customize your runner’s appearance, name, and country. The game is developed by Deqaf Studio, a Russian game studio that also created games like Strike Force Heroes, Rogue Soul, and Dangerous Adventure. The game was released on March 9, 2016 and is available on various platforms such as web browsers, Android, and iOS.

Controls of Awesome Run 2 Unblocked

The game has two types of controls: basic and advanced. The basic controls are:

  • Space or Up arrow to jump

  • Down arrow to slide

  • Z or X to use items

The advanced controls are:

  • Left arrow or A to move left

  • Right arrow or D to move right

  • C to look behind

How to Play Awesome Run 2 Unblocked

To play the game, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the website Classroom 6x, or Search game name Awesome Run 2 on your web browser. These are unblocked versions of the game that you can play at school or anywhere.

  2. Click on the Play button on the main menu.

  3. Choose your runner’s name, country, and appearance. You can also change them later in the shop.

  4. Select the mode you want to play: World Tour, Custom Race, or Training.

  5. In World Tour mode, you have to compete in different races around the world and earn money and medals. You can unlock new locations and items as you progress.

  6. In Custom Race mode, you can create your own race with your own settings and rules. You can choose the location, distance, number of opponents, difficulty, and items.

  7. In Training mode, you can practice your skills and test your items without any opponents or obstacles.

  8. To start the race, click on the Go button.

  9. Use the controls to run as fast as you can and reach the finish line first. Avoid obstacles and use items wisely to gain an advantage over your rivals.

  10. After each race, you can see your results and statistics. You can also replay the race or go back to the menu.


The gameplay of Awesome Run 2 Unblocked is fast-paced and exciting. You have to run on a track that is full of obstacles, such as hurdles, water puddles, sand pits, spikes, and more. You have to jump over or slide under them to avoid losing speed or getting injured. You also have to deal with your opponents who will try to stop you by using weapons or items against you. You can fight back by using your own items, such as bottles, hammers, bombs, rockets, and more. You can collect these items from the track or buy them from the shop with the money you earn from racing.

The game has four types of items: energy drinks, weapons, boosts, and traps. Energy drinks restore your stamina and health. Weapons damage your opponents and slow them down. Boosts increase your speed and performance for a short time. Traps create obstacles or hazards for your opponents behind you.

The game has three types of races: sprint, middle distance, and long distance. Sprint races are short and fast, requiring quick reflexes and agility. Middle distance races are moderate in length and speed, requiring balance and strategy. Long distance races are long and slow, requiring endurance and patience.

The game has four difficulty levels: easy, normal, hard, and insane. The difficulty level affects the speed and intelligence of your opponents, as well as the number and frequency of obstacles and items on the track.

Game Modes

The game has three game modes: World Tour, Custom Race, and Training.

  • World Tour mode is the main mode of the game where you have to compete in different races around the world and earn money and medals. You can unlock new locations and items as you progress. There are 20 locations in total, each with its own theme and track design. Some examples are New York City (USA), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Paris (France), Tokyo (Japan), Cairo (Egypt), Sydney (Australia), Moscow (Russia), London (UK), Beijing (China), Berlin (Germany), Rome (Italy), Delhi (India), Istanbul (Turkey), Seoul (South Korea), Dubai (UAE), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Barcelona (Spain), Toronto (Canada), Cape Town (South Africa), and Mexico City (Mexico). Each location has three races: sprint, middle distance, and long distance. You have to win at least one medal in each race to unlock the next location.

  • Custom Race mode is a mode where you can create your own race with your own settings and rules. You can choose the location, distance, number of opponents, difficulty, and items. You can also save your custom races and play them again later.

  • Training mode is a mode where you can practice your skills and test your items without any opponents or obstacles. You can choose the location and distance, and use any items you want. You can also see your statistics and records in this mode.

Advance Strategies

To master the game and win every race, you need to use some advance strategies and tips. Here are some of them:

  • Learn the track layout and the obstacles. Each location has a different track design and a different set of obstacles. You need to memorize them and know when to jump, slide, or move left or right. You also need to know where the items are and how to use them effectively.

  • Manage your stamina and health. Your stamina and health bars are shown at the top of the screen. Your stamina affects your speed and your health affects your durability. You need to keep them both high by collecting energy drinks and avoiding damage. If your stamina is low, you will run slower and if your health is low, you will get knocked out by obstacles or weapons.

  • Use your items wisely. You have a limited number of items that you can use in each race. You need to use them at the right time and place to gain an advantage over your opponents. For example, you can use a bottle to hit an opponent who is ahead of you, a hammer to break an obstacle that is blocking your way, a bomb to create a big explosion behind you, or a rocket to fly over obstacles and opponents. You can also use boosts to increase your speed or traps to create hazards for your opponents.

  • Customize your runner. You can customize your runner’s appearance, name, and country in the shop. You can also buy new items and upgrade them with the money you earn from racing. You can change the color, shape, and style of your runner’s hair, eyes, mouth, nose, skin, clothes, shoes, and accessories. You can also change the name and flag of your runner’s country. You can create your own unique runner that suits your personality and preferences.

Tips for Winning

Here are some tips for winning every race in this game

  • Jump over hurdles and water puddles to avoid losing speed.

  • Slide under spikes and low obstacles to avoid getting injured.

  • Move left or right to avoid obstacles or opponents that are in your way.

  • Use weapons to damage or slow down your opponents.

  • Use boosts to increase your speed or performance for a short time.

  • Use traps to create obstacles or hazards for your opponents behind you.

  • Collect energy drinks to restore your stamina and health.

  • Buy new items and upgrade them in the shop with the money you earn from racing.

  • Customize your runner’s appearance, name, and country in the shop with the money you earn from racing.


Awesome Run 2 Unblocked is available on various platforms such as web browsers, Android, and iOS.

  • Web browsers: You can play this game on any web browser that supports HTML5 technology. You can play it on Classroom 6x These are unblocked versions of the game that you can play at school or anywhere.


It has many features that make it an awesome running game. Some of them are:

  • Fast-paced and exciting gameplay

  • Three game modes: World Tour, Custom Race, and Training

  • Four difficulty levels: easy, normal, hard, and insane

  • 20 locations around the world with different themes and track designs

  • Three types of races: sprint, middle distance, and long distance

  • Four types of items: energy drinks, weapons, boosts, and traps

  • Customizable runner’s appearance, name, and country

  • Shop where you can buy new items and upgrade them with money

  • Statistics and records where you can see your results and achievements

Review of Awesome Run 2 Unblocked

Awesome Run 2 Unblocked is a fun and addictive running game that will keep you entertained for hours. The game has great graphics, sound effects, music, and animations that create a lively atmosphere. The game has a lot of variety and challenge that will test your skills and strategy. The game has a lot of content and options that will let you customize your experience. The game is suitable for all ages and preferences as it has different difficulty levels and game modes.

The game is not perfect though as it has some flaws and drawbacks. The game can be frustrating at times

The game can be frustrating at times as it has some flaws and drawbacks. Some of them are:

  • The game can be glitchy and buggy, especially on some platforms or devices. The game may freeze, crash, or lag during the race, affecting your performance and results.

  • The game can be unfair and unbalanced, especially on higher difficulty levels or longer distances. The game may spawn too many obstacles or items on the track, making it impossible to avoid or overcome them. The game may also favor your opponents over you, giving them more speed, stamina, health, or items than you.

  • The game can be repetitive and boring, especially after you complete the World Tour mode or unlock all the items and locations. The game may lose its appeal and challenge as you run on the same tracks with the same opponents and items over and over again.

Pros and Cons

To summarize, here are some pros and cons


  • Fast-paced and exciting gameplay

  • Three game modes: World Tour, Custom Race, and Training

  • Four difficulty levels: easy, normal, hard, and insane

  • 20 locations around the world with different themes and track designs

  • Three types of races: sprint, middle distance, and long distance

  • Four types of items: energy drinks, weapons, boosts, and traps

  • Customizable runner’s appearance, name, and country

  • Shop where you can buy new items and upgrade them with money

  • Statistics and records where you can see your results and achievements


  • Glitchy and buggy on some platforms or devices

  • Unfair and unbalanced on higher difficulty levels or longer distances

  • Repetitive and boring after completing the World Tour mode or unlocking all the items and locations

In Summary

Awesome Run 2 is an Unblocked running game that lets you take part in this challenging running championship against three other professional runners. You can collect energy drinks, weapons, and other items to boost your speed and slow down your opponents. You can also customize your runner’s appearance, name, and country. The game is developed by Deqaf Studio, a Russian game studio that also created games like Strike Force Heroes, Rogue Soul, and Dangerous Adventure. The game was released on March 9, 2016 and is available on various platforms such as web browsers, Android, and iOS.


Awesome Run 2 Unblocked is a fun and addictive running game that will keep you entertained for hours. The game has great graphics, sound effects, music, and animations that create a lively atmosphere. The game has a lot of variety and challenge that will test your skills and strategy. The game has a lot of content and options that will let you customize your experience. The game is suitable for all ages and preferences as it has different difficulty levels and game modes.

However, the game is not perfect as it has some flaws and drawbacks. The game can be frustrating at times as it can be glitchy, buggy, unfair, unbalanced, repetitive, or boring. The game may need some improvements or updates to fix these issues.

Overall, this is an awesome running game that you should try if you like running games. You can play it online for free on Classroom 6x You can also Play without download or without installing any application

