Super Mario World

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Super Mario World Unblocked is a platform video game that was released in 1990 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). It is the fourth main installment in the Super Mario series, and the first to introduce Yoshi, a dinosaur-like creature that can be ridden by Mario. The game follows the adventures of Mario and his brother Luigi as they travel across Dinosaur Land, a large island inhabited by various creatures, to rescue Princess Peach from the evil Bowser and his seven Koopalings. The game features 96 levels, divided into seven worlds, each with its own theme and boss. The game is widely regarded as one of the best and most influential video games of all time, and has sold over 20 million copies worldwide

Also Play Other Mario Games: Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Run unblocked or Super mario 64 unblocked, Super Mario bros Star Unblocked

Controls of Super Mario World Unblocked

Super Mario World Unblocked can be played with either a basic or an advanced control scheme. The basic control scheme uses the directional pad to move Mario or Luigi left or right, and the A button to jump. The B button can be used to run, hold items, or spit fireballs if Mario or Luigi has a Fire Flower power-up. The X and Y buttons can also be used to run or hold items, but they have an additional function: they can make Mario or Luigi spin-jump, which can break certain blocks or defeat certain enemies. The L and R buttons can be used to scroll the screen left or right, which can reveal hidden areas or items. The Start button can be used to pause the game or access the overworld map. The Select button can be used to drop an item that is being held in the item box at the top of the screen.

The advanced control scheme uses the same buttons as the basic control scheme, but with some modifications. The A button can be used to jump normally, or to perform a cape spin if Mario or Luigi has a Cape Feather power-up. The cape spin can deflect projectiles or knock enemies away. The B button can be used to run normally, or to fly if Mario or Luigi has a cape. To fly, the player must run until a yellow meter at the bottom of the screen fills up, then press and hold the B button while tilting the directional pad up or down to adjust the flight angle. Flying allows Mario or Luigi to reach high places or secret areas. The X and Y buttons can be used to run or hold items normally, but they can also make Mario or Luigi dismount Yoshi if they are riding him. Yoshi is a friendly dinosaur that can eat enemies or items with his tongue, which is activated by pressing the X or Y button while riding him. Yoshi can also gain different abilities depending on what he eats, such as spitting fireballs, flying, or stomping.

How to Play Super Mario World Unblocked

To play Super Mario World Unblocked, the player must first insert the game cartridge into the SNES console and turn it on. The player will then see a title screen with three options: 1 Player Game, 2 Player Game, and Option Mode. The 1 Player Game option allows the player to play as Mario alone, while the 2 Player Game option allows the player to play as Mario and Luigi alternately, taking turns after each level or death. The Option Mode option allows the player to adjust some settings, such as sound effects, music, and controller configuration.

After choosing a game mode, the player will see an overworld map that shows the different worlds and levels of Dinosaur Land. The player can move a cursor around the map and select a level to enter it. Each level has a goal that must be reached in order to complete it and unlock new paths on the map. Some levels have more than one goal, indicated by a red dot on the map, which can lead to different paths or secret areas. The goals are usually marked by giant gates with tape that must be touched by Mario or Luigi. Some goals also have keys and keyholes that must be found and matched in order to access hidden exits.

The levels are filled with various obstacles, enemies, items, and power-ups that affect the gameplay. Obstacles include pits, spikes, lava, water, moving platforms, etc., that must be avoided or overcome by jumping, running, flying, swimming, etc. Enemies include Goombas, Koopas, Piranha Plants, Bullet Bills, etc., that must be avoided or defeated by jumping on them, spinning on them, throwing items at them, spitting fireballs at them, etc. Items include coins, mushrooms, flowers, feathers, stars, etc., that must be collected or used for various purposes. Coins increase the score and grant an extra life for every 100 collected. Mushrooms make Mario or Luigi grow bigger and allow them to take an extra hit before dying. Flowers give Mario or Luigi the ability to spit fireballs that can defeat enemies or melt ice blocks. Feathers give Mario or Luigi a cape that can be used to fly or spin. Stars make Mario or Luigi invincible for a short time and allow them to defeat any enemy by touching them. Power-ups are usually found inside question blocks, which can be hit from below to reveal them. Some power-ups are also hidden inside invisible blocks, which can be revealed by hitting them from any side.

The game also features several special items and objects that have unique effects on the gameplay. These include:

  • Yoshi: A friendly dinosaur that can be found inside eggs in some levels. Yoshi can be ridden by Mario or Luigi and can eat enemies or items with his tongue. Yoshi can also gain different abilities depending on what he eats, such as spitting fireballs, flying, or stomping. Yoshi can also swallow certain items and store them in his mouth, which can be spit out later by pressing the X or Y button. Yoshi can be dismounted by pressing the same button while riding him. Yoshi cannot enter castles, ghost houses, or fortresses, and will wait outside until Mario or Luigi returns.

  • Switch Palaces: Special levels that are marked by colored switches on the map. These levels contain giant switches that can be pressed by Mario or Luigi to activate corresponding colored blocks throughout the game. These blocks can contain coins, power-ups, or act as platforms. There are four switch palaces in the game: yellow, green, red, and blue.

  • Ghost Houses: Special levels that are marked by haunted houses on the map. These levels are dark and spooky, and contain ghosts, boos, and other supernatural enemies. These levels also have hidden exits that can be found by solving puzzles or finding secret doors.

  • Fortresses: Special levels that are marked by towers on the map. These levels are guarded by one of Bowser’s seven Koopalings, who must be defeated in order to clear the level and unlock new paths on the map. The Koopalings have different attacks and patterns, and can be defeated by jumping on their heads three times or hitting them with fireballs.

  • Castles: Special levels that are marked by castles on the map. These levels are the final challenges of each world, and are guarded by Bowser himself or one of his minions. These levels are filled with traps, obstacles, and enemies, and require skill and timing to complete. The final castle of the game is located in Bowser’s Valley of Bowser, where Mario or Luigi must face Bowser in his flying clown car and rescue Princess Peach.


Super Mario World Unblocked is a platform video game that combines elements of exploration, action, puzzle-solving, and skill. The game is designed to offer a variety of challenges and experiences to the player, depending on their choices and preferences. The game allows the player to explore different paths and secrets in each level, as well as in the overworld map. The game also encourages the player to experiment with different power-ups and items, as well as with Yoshi’s abilities. The game also rewards the player for collecting coins, finding hidden 1-Up mushrooms, completing bonus games, and achieving high scores.

The game is also designed to offer a balanced difficulty curve that adapts to the player’s skill level and progress. The game starts with easy levels that introduce the basic mechanics and concepts of the game, such as jumping, running, flying, etc., and gradually increases the challenge and complexity of the levels as the player advances through the worlds. The game also offers optional levels that are more difficult or require more exploration than the main ones, such as Star World and Special World, which can be accessed by finding secret exits in certain levels. These levels offer extra challenge and reward to the player who seeks them out.

The game also features a two-player mode that allows two players to play as Mario and Luigi alternately, taking turns after each level or death. This mode adds a competitive element to the game, as the players can try to beat each other’s scores, collect more coins, or find more secrets. The players can also cooperate with each other, by sharing items, helping each other out, or working together to complete levels.

Game Modes

Super Mario World Unblocked has three main game modes:

  • 1 Player Game: This mode allows one player to play as Mario alone through the game.

  • 2 Player Game: This mode allows two players to play as Mario and Luigi alternately through the game.

  • Option Mode: This mode allows the player to adjust some settings of the game, such as sound effects, music, and controller configuration.

Advance Strategies

Super Mario World Unblocked is a game that offers many possibilities for advanced strategies and techniques that can enhance the gameplay experience and performance of the player. Some of these strategies include:

  • Spin-Jump: Spin-jumping is another useful and versatile ability in the game, as it can break certain blocks or defeat certain enemies that are immune to normal jumps. To spin-jump, the player must press the X or Y button while in the air. The player can also perform a cape spin by pressing the A button while in the air if they have a cape, which can deflect projectiles or knock enemies away.

  • Yoshi: Yoshi is a friendly dinosaur that can be ridden by Mario or Luigi and can eat enemies or items with his tongue. Yoshi can also gain different abilities depending on what he eats, such as spitting fireballs, flying, or stomping. Yoshi can also swallow certain items and store them in his mouth, which can be spit out later by pressing the X or Y button. Yoshi can be dismounted by pressing the same button while riding him. Yoshi cannot enter castles, ghost houses, or fortresses, and will wait outside until Mario or Luigi returns. Yoshi is a valuable ally in the game, as he can help Mario or Luigi overcome various obstacles and enemies.

  • Secret Exits: Secret exits are hidden goals that can be found in some levels, which can lead to different paths or secret areas on the overworld map. Secret exits are usually marked by keys and keyholes that must be found and matched in order to access them. Some secret exits are also marked by giant gates with tape that have a different color than the normal ones. To find secret exits, the player must explore the levels thoroughly and look for clues or hints that indicate their presence.

  • Star World: Star World is a hidden world that can be accessed by finding secret exits in certain levels of each world. Star World consists of five levels that are connected by star-shaped portals on the overworld map. Star World also contains four switch palaces that activate corresponding colored blocks throughout the game. Star World is a shortcut to reach other worlds quickly, as well as a gateway to access Special World.

  • Special World: Special World is a secret world that can be accessed by finding a secret exit in Star World 5. Special World consists of eight levels that are extremely difficult and challenging, and have names based on slang words or expressions. Special World also changes some aspects of the game’s appearance and music, such as turning some enemies into Mario masks or changing the overworld theme to a remix of the original Super Mario Bros. theme. Special World is the ultimate test of skill and endurance for the player who seeks it out.

Tips for Winning

Super Mario World Unblocked is a game that requires both skill and strategy to win. Here are some tips that can help the player improve their performance and enjoy the game more:

  • Collect coins: Coins are not only useful for increasing the score and granting extra lives, but also for activating bonus games at the end of some levels. Bonus games are mini-games that allow the player to win more items or lives by matching three icons on a spinning wheel. The more coins the player has at the end of a level, the more chances they have to play a bonus game.

  • Use power-ups wisely: Power-ups are items that grant Mario or Luigi special abilities or transformations that can help them in their quest. Power-ups include mushrooms, flowers, feathers, stars, etc., and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation. The player should use power-ups wisely and strategically, depending on their needs and preferences. For example, mushrooms are good for increasing durability, flowers are good for attacking enemies from a distance, feathers are good for flying and exploring, and stars are good for invincibility and speed.

  • Save items: Items are objects that can be collected or used by Mario or Luigi for various purposes. Items include coins, power-ups, Yoshi eggs, etc., and some of them can be stored in an item box at the top of the screen for later use. The player should save items whenever possible and use them when needed or convenient. For example, saving a mushroom or a feather can be useful for recovering from damage or accessing hidden areas.

  • Find secrets: Secrets are hidden features or areas that can be found in some levels or on the overworld map. Secrets include secret exits, switch palaces, ghost houses, fortresses, castles, Star World, Special World, etc., and each one has its own rewards and challenges for the player who finds them. The player should find secrets whenever possible and explore them thoroughly, as they can offer more fun and variety to the game.

  • Practice: Practice makes perfect, and Super Mario World is a game that requires practice to master. The game has many levels that have different layouts, themes, enemies, obstacles, and goals, and each one requires different skills and strategies to complete. The player should practice the levels as much as possible and learn from their mistakes and successes. The player should also practice the different abilities and techniques that the game offers, such as jumping, running, flying, spin-jumping, etc., and use them effectively and efficiently.


Super Mario World was originally released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1990. Since then, the game has been re-released or ported to various other platforms, such as:

  • Game Boy Advance: Super Mario World Unblocked : Super Mario Advance 2 is a remake of Super Mario World Unblocked for the Game Boy Advance, released in 2001. It features improved graphics and sound, as well as some changes and additions to the gameplay, such as voice clips, a battery save function, a score system, a time limit for each level, and a new world called Yoshi’s Island.

  • Wii: Super Mario World Unblocked is available as a downloadable title for the Wii’s Virtual Console service, released in 2006. It is an emulation of the original SNES version of the game, with no changes or additions.

  • Wii U: Super Mario World Unblocked is available as a downloadable title for the Wii U’s Virtual Console service, released in 2013. It is an emulation of the original SNES version of the game, with no changes or additions.

  • Nintendo 3DS: Super Mario World Unblocked is available as a downloadable title for the Nintendo 3DS’s Virtual Console service, released in 2016. It is an emulation of the original SNES version of the game, with no changes or additions.

  • Nintendo Switch: Super Mario World Unblocked is available as a part of the Nintendo Switch Online service’s Super NES library, released in 2019. It is an emulation of the original SNES version of the game, with no changes or additions.

Features of Super Mario World Unblocked

Super Mario World Unblocked is a game that has many features that make it unique and memorable. Some of these features include:

  • Yoshi: Yoshi is a friendly dinosaur that can be ridden by Mario or Luigi and can eat enemies or items with his tongue. Yoshi can also gain different abilities depending on what he eats, such as spitting fireballs, flying, or stomping. Yoshi can also swallow certain items and store them in his mouth, which can be spit out later by pressing the X or Y button. Yoshi can be dismounted by pressing the same button while riding him. Yoshi cannot enter castles, ghost houses, or fortresses, and will wait outside until Mario or Luigi returns. Yoshi is a valuable ally in the game, as he can help Mario or Luigi overcome various obstacles and enemies.

  • Switch Palaces: Switch palaces are special levels that are marked by colored switches on the map. These levels contain giant switches that can be pressed by Mario or Luigi to activate corresponding colored blocks throughout the game. These blocks can contain coins, power-ups, or act as platforms. There are four switch palaces in the game: yellow, green, red, and blue.

  • Ghost Houses: Ghost houses are special levels that are marked by haunted houses on the map. These levels are dark and spooky, and contain ghosts, boos, and other supernatural enemies. These levels also have hidden exits that can be found by solving puzzles or finding secret doors.

  • Fortresses: Fortresses are special levels that are marked by towers on the map. These levels are guarded by one of Bowser’s seven Koopalings, who must be defeated in order to clear the level and unlock new paths on the map. The Koopalings have different attacks and patterns, and can be defeated by jumping on their heads three times or hitting them with fireballs.

  • Castles: Castles are special levels that are marked by castles on the map. These levels are the final challenges of each world, and are guarded by Bowser himself or one of his minions. These levels are filled with traps, obstacles, and enemies, and require skill and timing to complete. The final castle of the game is located in Bowser’s Valley of Bowser, where Mario or Luigi must face Bowser in his flying clown car and rescue Princess Peach.

  • Star World: Star World is a hidden world that can be accessed by finding secret exits in certain levels of each world. Star World consists of five levels that are connected by star-shaped portals on the overworld map. Star World also contains four switch palaces that activate corresponding colored blocks throughout the game. Star World is a shortcut to reach other worlds quickly, as well as a gateway to access Special World.

  • Special World: Special World is a secret world that can be accessed by finding a secret exit in Star World 5. Special World consists of eight levels that are extremely difficult and challenging, and have names based on slang words or expressions.Flying: Flying is one of the most useful and versatile abilities in the game, as it allows Mario or Luigi to reach high places or secret areas that are otherwise inaccessible. To fly effectively, the player must master the timing and angle of the flight, as well as to avoid or defeat enemies. To fly, the player must run until a yellow meter at the bottom of the screen fills up, then press and hold the B button while tilting the directional pad up or down to adjust the flight angle. The player can also perform a dive bomb by pressing down on the directional pad while flying, which can break certain blocks or damage enemies. The player can also glide by releasing the B button while flying, which can extend the flight duration and distance. Special World also changes some aspects of the game’s appearance and music, such as turning some enemies into Mario masks or changing the overworld theme to a remix of the original Super Mario Bros. theme. Special World is the ultimate test of skill and endurance for the player who seeks it out.

Reviews of Super Mario World Unblocked

Super Mario World Unblocked is a game that has received critical acclaim and commercial success since its release in 1990. The game has been praised for its graphics, sound, gameplay, level design, replay value, and innovation. The game has also been recognized as one of the best and most influential video games of all time, and has influenced many other games and genres. The game has also been re-released or ported to various other platforms, such as the Game Boy Advance, Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, and Nintendo Switch, with some changes or additions to the original version.


Some of the pros of Super Mario World Unblocked are:

  • It has a large and diverse world to explore, with 96 levels, 7 worlds, and many secrets and hidden areas.

  • It has a variety of power-ups and items that grant different abilities and transformations to Mario or Luigi.

  • It introduces Yoshi, a friendly dinosaur that can be ridden by Mario or Luigi and can eat enemies or items with his tongue.

  • It has a balanced difficulty curve that adapts to the player’s skill level and progress.

  • It has a two-player mode that allows two players to play as Mario and Luigi alternately, adding a competitive or cooperative element to the game.

  • It has a colorful and vibrant graphics style that creates a lively and charming atmosphere.

  • It has a catchy and memorable soundtrack that matches the mood and theme of each level and world.

  • It has a simple and intuitive control scheme that allows the player to perform various actions and techniques with ease.

  • It has a high replay value, as the player can try to find all the secrets, collect all the coins, achieve high scores, or challenge themselves with harder levels.


Some of the cons of Super Mario World Unblocked are:

  • It can be frustrating or tedious to find some of the secret exits or hidden areas, as they are not always obvious or easy to access.

  • It can be difficult or annoying to control Mario or Luigi when they are flying or gliding with the cape, as they can easily lose altitude or momentum.

  • It can be boring or repetitive to play some of the levels that are similar or reused from previous games or worlds.

  • It can be glitchy or buggy in some parts of the game, such as when Mario or Luigi get stuck in walls or platforms, or when enemies or items behave erratically.

In Summary

Super Mario World Unblocked is a platform video game that was released in 1990 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). It is the fourth main installment in the Super Mario series, and the first to introduce Yoshi, a dinosaur-like creature that can be ridden by Mario. The game follows the adventures of Mario and his brother Luigi as they travel across Dinosaur Land, a large island inhabited by various creatures, to rescue Princess Peach from the evil Bowser and his seven Koopalings. The game features 96 levels, divided into seven worlds, each with its own theme and boss. The game is widely regarded as one of the best and most influential video games of all time, and has sold over 20 million copies worldwide.


Super Mario World Unblocked is a game that offers a fun and enjoyable experience for players of all ages and skill levels. The game combines elements of exploration, action, puzzle-solving, and skill, and allows the player to choose their own path and style of play. The game also features many features that make it unique and memorable, such as Yoshi, switch palaces, ghost houses, fortresses, castles, Star World, and Special World. The game also has a high replay value, as the player can try to find all the secrets, collect all the coins, achieve high scores, or challenge themselves with harder levels. Super Mario World Unblocked is a game that deserves its reputation as one of the best and most influential video games of all time, and is highly recommended for anyone who loves video games.


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