The World’s Hardest Game 3

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The World’s Hardest Game 3 Unblocked is the third installment of the popular series of games that test your reflexes, patience, and precision. The game was developed by Stephen Critoph, a Flash game developer who also created the first two games in the series. The game was released in March 2008 on online platforms Classroom 6x . The game has received positive reviews from players and critics alike, who praised its difficulty, level design, and originality.

Also Play: The World’s Hardest Game Unblocked & The World’s Hardest Game 2 Unblocked


The game can be played using either the keyboard or the mouse. The basic controls are:

  • Use the arrow keys or the WASD keys to move the red square through the maze of balls and obstacles.

  • Use the P key or the pause button to see the map of the level and plan your route.

  • Use the R key or the restart button to restart the level if you get stuck or die.

The advanced controls are:

  • Use the Q key or the quit button to quit the level and return to the main menu.

  • Use the M key or the mute button to toggle the sound on or off.

  • Use the O key or the options button to change the game settings, such as the quality, the speed, and the color scheme.

How to Play

The goal of the game is to complete all 30 levels by collecting all the yellow coins and reaching the green exit zone. The game is divided into four worlds, each with a different theme and difficulty. The game also features a bonus world with 10 extra levels that can be unlocked by collecting all the keys hidden in the previous worlds.

To play the game, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Classroom 6x, a website that hosts the game for free.

  2. Click on the “Play” button to start the game.

  3. Choose a world to play by clicking on its icon on the main menu. You can also choose the bonus world if you have unlocked it.

  4. Choose a level to play by clicking on its number on the map. You can only play the levels that you have unlocked by completing the previous ones.

  5. Use the controls to move the red square and avoid the blue circles and other obstacles. If you touch them, you will die and have to restart the level.

  6. Collect all the yellow coins in the level to unlock the green exit zone. You can also collect the keys if you see them, but they are not required to complete the level.

  7. Reach the green exit zone to complete the level and move on to the next one. You can also see your score, your time, and your death count on the top of the screen.

  8. Repeat steps 4 to 7 until you complete all the levels in the world. You can also go back to the main menu and choose a different world to play.

  9. Complete all the worlds and the bonus world to beat the game and become the master of The World’s Hardest Game 3 Unblocked.


The gameplay of The World’s Hardest Game 3 Unblocked is similar to the previous games in the series, but with more levels, more obstacles, and more challenges. The game is designed to be extremely hard and frustrating, but also rewarding and satisfying. The game requires a lot of skill, concentration, and perseverance to overcome the seemingly impossible levels.

The game is based on a simple concept: move the red square through the maze of balls and obstacles without touching them. However, the game is far from simple, as the levels are filled with complex and unpredictable patterns of movement, speed, and timing. The game also introduces new elements, such as switches, portals, lasers, and moving walls, that add more variety and difficulty to the game.

The game is not only hard, but also fair. The game does not rely on luck or randomness, but on logic and strategy. The game gives you all the information you need to complete the levels, such as the map, the coins, and the keys. The game also allows you to pause and restart the levels as many times as you want, without losing your progress or your score. The game also gives you hints and tips on how to beat the levels, but only if you ask for them.

The game is also very addictive and fun. The game has a simple but appealing graphics and sound, with a catchy and upbeat soundtrack that matches the mood of the game. The game also has a humorous and sarcastic tone, with witty messages and comments that mock your failures and celebrate your successes. The game also has a competitive and social aspect, with a leaderboard that ranks the best players in the world and a comment section that allows you to share your thoughts and opinions with other players.

Game Modes

The game has two main game modes: Normal and Practice. In Normal mode, you play the game as it is intended, with all the levels, coins, keys, and obstacles. In Practice mode, you can play any level you want, with or without the coins and keys, and with unlimited lives. Practice mode is useful for learning the levels, improving your skills, or just having fun.

The game also has a secret game mode: Impossible. In Impossible mode, you play the game with a twist: the red square is invisible. You can only see its shadow and its trail. Impossible mode is unlocked by completing the bonus world in Normal mode. Impossible mode is the ultimate challenge for the most hardcore and masochistic players.

Advance Strategies

To beat The World’s Hardest Game 3 Unblocked, you need more than just skill and patience. You also need some strategies and tricks that can help you overcome the levels. Here are some of them:

  • Memorize the patterns. The game is based on patterns of movement and timing. If you memorize the patterns, you can anticipate the movements of the balls and obstacles and avoid them more easily.

  • Plan your route. The game gives you a map of the level that shows you where the coins, the keys, and the exit are. Use the map to plan your route and find the shortest and safest way to complete the level.

  • Use the pause button. The game allows you to pause the game at any time and see the map and the level. Use the pause button to take a break, calm down, or study the level and find the best strategy to beat it.

  • Use the restart button. The game allows you to restart the level at any time without losing your progress or your score. Use the restart button to try again, correct your mistakes, or improve your time and score.

  • Use the hints and tips. The game gives you hints and tips on how to beat the levels, but only if you ask for them. Use the hints and tips to get some help, advice, or encouragement when you are stuck or frustrated.

  • Practice, practice, practice. The game is hard, but not impossible. The only way to beat the game is to practice, practice, practice. The more you play, the more you learn, the more you improve, and the more you enjoy.

Tips for Winning

Here are some general tips that can help you win The World’s Hardest Game 3 Unblocked:

  • Be patient. The game is not a race, but a test of endurance. Don’t rush, don’t panic, don’t give up. Take your time, relax, and enjoy the game.

  • Be precise. The game is not a game of chance, but a game of skill. Don’t guess, don’t gamble, don’t risk. Be accurate, be careful, and be smart.

  • Be persistent. The game is not a game of luck, but a game of perseverance. Don’t quit, don’t rage, don’t despair. Try again, try harder, and try better.


The World’s Hardest Game 3 Unblocked is available on Classroom 6x

  • Classroom 6x a website that offers free online games that are fun and challenging.

The game can be played on any device that supports Flash, such as computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. However, the game is best played on a computer or a laptop, as they offer better controls, graphics, and sound.


The World’s Hardest Game 3 Unblocked has many features that make it a unique and enjoyable game, such as:

      • 30 levels of increasing difficulty and complexity, plus 10 bonus levels that are even harder and more complex.

      • 4 worlds of different themes and styles, such as ice, fire, space, and candy.

      • A bonus world of extra challenges and surprises, such as invisible walls, reverse gravity, and random colors.

      • A secret game mode of extreme difficulty and insanity, where the red square is invisible.

      • A simple but appealing graphics and sound, with a catchy and upbeat soundtrack that matches the mood of the game.

      • A humorous and sarcastic tone, with witty messages and comments that mock your failures and celebrate your successes.

      • A leaderboard that ranks the best players in the world by their score, time, and death count.

      • A comment section that allows you to share your thoughts and opinions with other players.

      • A pause button that allows you to pause the game and see the map and the level.

      • A restart button that allows you to restart the level without losing your progress or your score.

      • A quit button that allows you to quit the level and return to the main menu.

    • A mute button that allows you to toggle the sound on or off.

    • An options button that allows you to change the game settings, such as the quality, the speed, and the color scheme.

    • A hints button that allows you to get some help, advice, or encouragement when you are stuck or frustrated.


    The World’s Hardest Game 3 Unblocked is a game that lives up to its name. It is a game that will challenge you, frustrate you, and reward you. It is a game that will test your reflexes, patience, and precision. It is a game that will make you laugh, cry, and scream. It is a game that will make you love it and hate it at the same time.

    Here are some pros and cons of the game:


    • The game is fun and addictive. The game has a simple but appealing graphics and sound, with a catchy and upbeat soundtrack that matches the mood of the game. The game also has a humorous and sarcastic tone, with witty messages and comments that mock your failures and celebrate your successes.

    • The game is hard and fair. The game is designed to be extremely hard and frustrating, but also rewarding and satisfying. The game does not rely on luck or randomness, but on logic and strategy. The game gives you all the information you need to complete the levels, such as the map, the coins, and the keys. The game also allows you to pause and restart the levels as many times as you want, without losing your progress or your score. The game also gives you hints and tips on how to beat the levels, but only if you ask for them.

    • The game is varied and original. The game has 30 levels of increasing difficulty and complexity, plus 10 bonus levels that are even harder and more complex. The game also has 4 worlds of different themes and styles, such as ice, fire, space, and candy. The game also introduces new elements, such as switches, portals, lasers, and moving walls, that add more variety and difficulty to the game. The game also has a secret game mode of extreme difficulty and insanity, where the red square is invisible.


    • The game is frustrating and rage-inducing. The game is not for the faint of heart or the easily angered. The game will make you die countless times, sometimes in the most unfair and ridiculous ways. The game will make you feel hopeless and helpless, sometimes in the most impossible and hopeless levels. The game will make you want to quit and smash your device, sometimes in the most annoying and infuriating moments.

    • The game is repetitive and boring. The game can get boring and tedious after a while, especially if you are stuck on a level or a world for too long. The game can also get repetitive and monotonous, as the levels are mostly based on the same concept and mechanics, with only minor variations and changes. The game can also get dull and uninteresting, as the graphics and sound are not very impressive or immersive, and the game does not have a story or a plot to keep you engaged.

    • The game is outdated and buggy. The game is based on Flash, a technology that is no longer supported by most browsers and devices. The game can also have some bugs and glitches, such as lag, crashes, or errors, that can ruin your experience and progress. The game can also have some compatibility and accessibility issues, such as not working on some devices or platforms, or not having some features or options, such as saving, loading, or sharing.

    In Summary

    The World’s Hardest Game 3 Unblocked is a game that will make you feel a range of emotions, from joy to anger, from satisfaction to frustration, from amusement to rage. It is a game that will make you think, plan, and execute. It is a game that will make you learn, improve, and master. It is a game that will make you love it and hate it at the same time.


    The World’s Hardest Game 3 Unblocked is a game that is not for everyone, but for those who love a challenge, a skill game, and a hard game. It is a game that will test your limits, your skills, and your patience. It is a game that will reward your efforts, your achievements, and your perseverance. It is a game that will make you proud, happy, and satisfied.

    If you are looking for a game that is fun, addictive, hard, fair, varied, original, frustrating, rage-inducing, repetitive, boring, outdated, and buggy, then The World’s Hardest Game 3 Unblocked is the game for you. Try it now and see if you can beat it and become the master of The World’s Hardest Game 3 Unblocked. Good luck and have fun! ?

