Acid Bunny 2

Played 486 times.

100% (1/1)
Acid Bunny 2 Unblocked is a sequel to Acid Bunny, which was released in 2013. The game follows the adventures of a bunny who suffers from hallucinations due to his mother’s drug abuse. In the first game, he accidentally kills his friend Panda and has to find his body parts and sew them back together. In the second game, he has to deal with his brother’s gang, who are trying to kill him and his friends. The game is a mix of platforming, puzzle-solving, and action, with a dark and twisted humor.

You can Play Also Acid Bunny chapter 1 Unblocked


Acid Bunny 2 Unblocked can be played using the keyboard or the mouse. The arrow keys are used to move and jump, the A key is used to throw carrots (which can be used as weapons or to interact with objects), and the S key is used to dismount from vehicles or let go of things. The mouse can also be used to aim and throw carrots.

How to play

The game consists of several levels, each with different objectives and challenges. The player has to explore the environment, collect items, solve puzzles, fight enemies, and rescue friends. Some levels have vehicles that can be used to travel faster or access new areas. The player also has to avoid falling into water or acid, which will damage the bunny’s health. The game has a map that shows the current location and the objectives. The game also has a pause menu that allows the player to save, load, or quit the game.


The gameplay of Acid Bunny 2 Unblocked is similar to the first game, but with more features and improvements. The game has more levels, more characters, more enemies, more vehicles, more items, and more secrets. The game also has a better graphics and sound quality, as well as a smoother animation and physics. The game has a lot of variety and creativity in its design and gameplay, making it fun and engaging for players of all ages.

Game modes

Acid Bunny 2 Unblocked has two main game modes: Story mode and Down Below mode. Story mode is the main mode of the game, where the player follows the plot and completes the levels. Down Below mode is an optional mode that can be accessed from certain points in the story mode. In this mode, the player enters a dark and surreal world where he has to face his inner demons and fears. This mode is more challenging and scary than the story mode, but also offers more rewards and secrets.

Advance strategies

Some advance strategies that can help the player in the game are:

    • Use carrots wisely: Carrots are not only weapons, but also tools that can be used to interact with objects or trigger events. For example, carrots can be used to activate switches, distract enemies, break glass, or knock down items.

    • Explore thoroughly: The game has many hidden areas and secrets that can be found by exploring every corner of the map. Some secrets require specific items or actions to be revealed. For example, some walls can be broken by using explosives or vehicles.

    • Collect everything: The game has many collectibles that can enhance the gameplay or unlock new features. For example, collecting yarn balls can increase the bunny’s health or allow him to craft new items. Collecting photos can reveal more about the bunny’s past or unlock new costumes.

    • Use vehicles smartly: Vehicles can be very useful in some levels, as they can help the player travel faster or access new areas. However, vehicles also have drawbacks, such as being noisy or fragile. Therefore, the player should use vehicles only when necessary and take care of them.

    • Save often: The game allows the player to save at any time from the pause menu. Saving often can prevent losing progress or having to repeat difficult sections of the game.

Tips for winning: Some tips for winning the game are

      • Be careful: The game has many hazards and enemies that can harm or kill the bunny. Therefore, the player should be careful and avoid unnecessary risks. For example, avoid falling into water or acid, avoid getting hit by projectiles or traps, avoid getting surrounded by enemies or gang members.

      • Be quick: The game has some levels that have time limits or require speed. Therefore, the player should be quick and efficient in completing the objectives or reaching the destinations. For example, escape from pursuers or explosions, reach the checkpoints or exits, rescue the friends or allies.

      • Be smart: The game has some levels that require logic or strategy. Therefore, the player should be smart and use his brain to solve the puzzles or overcome the obstacles. For example, use the right items or actions, follow the clues or hints, find the hidden paths or solutions.

Platforms: The game is available on various platforms, such as web browsers, Android devices, and iOS devices. The game can be played online for free on websites such as Addicting Games, GameFools, and GamesButler. The game can also be downloaded and played offline on mobile devices from Google Play Store or App Store for a small fee.


Some of the features that make the game unique and enjoyable are:

    • The story: The game has a compelling and original story that mixes dark and twisted humor with emotional and touching moments. The game explores themes such as drug abuse, family issues, mental health, friendship, and redemption. The game also has a lot of references and parodies to popular culture, such as movies, games, books, and celebrities.

    • The characters: The game has a lot of colorful and memorable characters that have their own personalities, backgrounds, and roles in the story. The game also allows the player to interact with some of the characters and influence their outcomes. For example, the player can choose to help or ignore some of the characters, or even romance some of them.

    • The graphics: The game has a beautiful and vibrant graphics style that contrasts with the dark and grim tone of the story. The game uses a hand-drawn and cartoon-like art style that gives the game a unique and charming look. The game also has a lot of details and animations that make the game lively and realistic.

    • The sound: The game has a great sound quality that enhances the gameplay and atmosphere of the game. The game uses a variety of sound effects and music that match the mood and theme of each level. The game also has a voice acting that adds more personality and humor to the characters and dialogues.


Based on my analysis of the game and its features, I would give Acid Bunny 2 Unblocked a positive review. I think the game is a fun and entertaining platformer that offers a lot of content and variety for players of all ages. I think the game has a great balance between humor and drama, action and puzzle, challenge and reward. I think the game is well-designed and well-made, with a high quality of graphics, sound, voice acting, animation, physics, and gameplay. I think the game is worth playing and recommending to others who enjoy platformers or dark comedies.

  • Pro: Some of the pros of the game are:

    • The story: The game has an original and captivating story that keeps the player interested and invested in the outcome of the characters and events.

    • The gameplay: The game has a fun and engaging gameplay that offers a lot of variety and creativity in its design and mechanics.

    • The graphics: The game has a beautiful and charming graphics style that gives the game a unique and appealing look.

    • The sound: The game has a great sound quality that enhances the gameplay and atmosphere of the game.

  • Cons: Some of the cons of the game are:

    • The difficulty: The game can be quite difficult and frustrating at some points, especially in the Down Below mode or in some boss battles. The game can also be unfair or buggy at times, causing the player to lose progress or die unexpectedly.

    • The content: The game has some content that may not be suitable or appealing for some players, such as violence, gore, drugs, profanity, sexual innuendos, or disturbing imagery. The game also has some content that may be offensive or insensitive to some groups or cultures, such as stereotypes, jokes, or references.

In summary

Acid Bunny 2 Unblocked is a platformer game that follows the adventures of a bunny who suffers from hallucinations due to his mother’s drug abuse. The game is a mix of humor and drama, action and puzzle, challenge and reward. The game has a lot of features that make it unique and enjoyable, such as the story, the characters, the graphics, the sound, etc. However, the game also has some drawbacks that may affect its quality or appeal, such as the difficulty, the content, etc.


Acid Bunny 2 Unblocked is a fun and entertaining platformer that offers a lot of content and variety for players of all ages. However, it is not a perfect game and it may not be for everyone. Therefore, I would recommend playing it with caution and discretion.

