Getting Over It

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Getting Over It is an Unblocked Fgame that challenges the player to climb a mountain using only a hammer. The game is known for its high difficulty and frustrating gameplay, as the player can easily lose progress by falling down. The game is also famous for its narration by Bennett Foddy, the developer of the game, who comments on the player’s actions and provides philosophical insights.


The game can be played with either a mouse or a trackpad. The player can move the hammer by moving the cursor around the screen. The hammer can be used to hook onto objects, swing around, and propel the player upwards. The player can also use the hammer to push off the ground or walls, but this requires precise timing and angle.

How to Play Getting Over It Unblocked

Getting Over It Unblocked does not have any clear instructions or tutorials, so the player has to figure out how to play by trial and error. The goal of the game is to reach the top of the mountain, which is filled with various obstacles and hazards. The game does not have any checkpoints or save points, so the player has to start from the beginning every time they fall down. The game also does not have any rewards or achievements, except for a secret ending that can be accessed by reaching the top of the mountain.


The gameplay of Getting Over It Unblocked is simple but challenging. The player has to use the hammer to navigate through different environments, such as rocks, trees, pipes, furniture, and even a snake. The game requires a lot of skill and patience, as the slightest mistake can cause the player to fall down and lose all their progress. The game also tests the player’s mental fortitude, as they have to deal with frustration, anger, and despair. The game is designed to be unfair and unforgiving, as there are many traps and glitches that can ruin the player’s run.

Game Modes

The game only has one mode: single-player. There is no multiplayer or co-op mode in Getting Over It Unblocked. However, there are some unofficial mods and fan-made versions of the game that add different features and modes, such as speedrun mode, multiplayer mode, sandbox mode, and custom maps.

Advance Strategies

Some of the advance strategies that can help the player

  • Learning how to use momentum and physics to move faster and farther.

  • Mastering how to control the hammer’s angle and position to avoid slipping or bouncing off objects.

  • Finding shortcuts and skips that can save time and avoid difficult sections.

  • Practicing how to recover from falls and mistakes without losing hope or rage quitting.

  • Watching how other players play the game and learning from their techniques and tips.

Tips for Winning

Some of the tips that can help the player  this game

  • Adjusting the mouse sensitivity and DPI settings to suit the player’s preference and comfort.

  • Taking breaks and relaxing between sessions to avoid stress and fatigue.

  • Listening to music or podcasts that can calm or motivate the player while playing.

  • Turning off or ignoring the narrator’s voice if it annoys or distracts the player.

  • Having fun and enjoying the challenge rather than focusing on winning or losing.


Getting Over It Unblocked was originally released for Windows and macOS in October 2017. It was later ported to iOS and Android devices in December 2017. The game is also available on Classroom 6x Steam, Humble Bundle,, and Epic Games Store.


Some of the features

  • A unique and minimalist art style that contrasts with the realistic physics and sound effects.

  • A witty and sarcastic narration by Bennett Foddy that accompanies the player throughout their journey.

  • A diverse and eclectic soundtrack that ranges from classical music to rock songs.

  • A hidden ending that reveals a secret message from the developer and a reward for the player.

  • A global leaderboard that ranks the players based on their completion time.


Getting Over It Unblocked is a game that can be either loved or hated by different players. Some players may find it fun and rewarding, while others may find it frustrating and pointless. The game is not for everyone, as it requires a lot of skill, patience, and perseverance. The game is also not meant to be taken seriously, as it is a parody of hard games and a commentary on human nature. The game is a unique and memorable experience that can evoke strong emotions and reactions from the players.


  • A challenging and satisfying gameplay that tests the player’s skills and limits.

  • A humorous and insightful narration that adds personality and depth to the game.

  • A creative and varied level design that surprises and entertains the player.

  • A cheap and accessible game that can run on most devices.


  • A frustrating and infuriating gameplay that can make the player rage quit or break their equipment.

  • A repetitive and tedious narration that can annoy or bore the player.

  • A cruel and unfair level design that can frustrate and discourage the player.

  • A short and unrewarding game that can leave the player unsatisfied or disappointed.

In Summary

Getting Over It Unblocked is a game that challenges the player to climb a mountain using only a hammer. The game is known for its high difficulty and frustrating gameplay, as the player can easily lose progress by falling down. The game is also famous for its narration by Bennett Foddy, who comments on the player’s actions and provides philosophical insights. The game is a unique and memorable experience that can evoke strong emotions and reactions from the players.


Getting Over It Unblocked is a game that can be either loved or hated by different players. Some players may find it fun and rewarding, while others may find it frustrating and pointless. The game is not for everyone, as it requires a lot of skill, patience, and perseverance. The game is also not meant to be taken seriously, as it is a parody of hard games and a commentary on human nature. The game is a challenging and satisfying gameplay that tests the player’s skills and limits, a humorous and insightful narration that adds personality and depth to the game, a creative and varied level design that surprises and entertains the player, and a cheap and accessible game that can run on most devices. However, the game is also a frustrating and infuriating gameplay that can make the player rage quit or break their equipment, a repetitive and tedious narration that can annoy or bore the player, a cruel and unfair level design that can frustrate and discourage the player, and a short and unrewarding game that can leave the player unsatisfied or disappointed. this is a game that can be either loved or hated by different players.

