Jelly Truck

Played 788 times.

80% (4/5)
Jelly Truck Unblocked is a fun and creative online game where you drive a squishy jelly truck through challenging courses and overcome obstacles. The game was developed by GameTornado, a studio that also created other popular games such as Rexona and Death Worm. Jelly Truck was released in 2014 and has been played by millions of players around the world. In this article, we will provide you with some information about the game, its features, gameplay, modes, strategies, tips, and review.

Controls of Jelly Truck Unblocked

It is easy to control with your keyboard. You can use the up and down arrow keys to go forward or backward, and the left and right arrow keys to tilt your truck. You can also press the R key to restart the level if you get stuck or flip over.

How to Play

To play Jelly Truck Unblocked on Classroom6x, you need to follow these simple steps:

  • Go to the website Classroom6x and click on the Jelly Truck Unblocked icon.

  • Wait for the game to load and then click on the play button.

  • Choose a level from the map and start driving.

  • Try to reach the finish line without crashing or falling off the course.

  • Collect stars along the way to unlock new levels and trucks.

  • Have fun!


Jelly Truck Unblocked is a physics-based driving game that tests your skills and creativity. The game has 20 levels of increasing difficulty, each with a different theme and layout. You will encounter various obstacles such as ramps, bridges, loops, tunnels, swings, and more. Some of them are made of jelly, which means they can bend and bounce when you drive over them. This adds an element of unpredictability and fun to the game.

The game also has a star system that rewards you for your performance. You can collect up to three stars per level, depending on how fast you complete it and how many times you crash. The more stars you collect, the more levels and trucks you can unlock. There are four types of trucks in the game: normal, monster, fire, and police. Each truck has its own design and characteristics, such as speed, weight, and stability.

Game Modes

Jelly Truck Unblocked has two game modes: normal and time trial. In normal mode, you can play the levels at your own pace and enjoy the scenery. In time trial mode, you have to race against the clock and try to beat your best time. You can also compare your scores with other players on the leaderboard.

Advance Strategies

To master this game, you need to learn some advanced strategies that can help you overcome the challenges and improve your score. Here are some tips that you can use:

  • Use the tilt keys wisely. Sometimes you need to tilt your truck forward or backward to balance it or to gain momentum. However, don’t overdo it or you might flip over or lose control.

  • Be careful with the jelly obstacles. They can be helpful or harmful depending on how you use them. For example, you can use them to bounce over gaps or to cushion your landing. But you can also get stuck in them or bounce off them in the wrong direction.

  • Experiment with different trucks. Each truck has its own advantages and disadvantages, so try them all and see which one suits your style best. For example, the monster truck is fast and powerful, but it is also heavy and unstable. The fire truck is agile and stable, but it is also slow and weak.

  • Replay the levels. If you want to get better at this game, you should replay the levels that you have already completed and try to improve your time or collect more stars. This way, you can learn from your mistakes and discover new tricks.

Tips for Winning

Here are some general tips that can help you win this game

  • Be patient. Don’t rush through the levels or you might miss some stars or crash into obstacles. Take your time and plan your moves carefully.

  • Be flexible. Don’t stick to one strategy or route. Sometimes you need to change your approach or try a different path to reach the finish line.

  • Have fun. Don’t get frustrated if you fail or lose a star. this is a game that is meant to be enjoyed and not taken too seriously.


Jelly Truck Unblocked is available on various platforms such as web browsers, Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Steam, etc.


It has many features that make it an entertaining and unique game. Some of these features are:

  • Beautiful graphics and animations that create a colorful and lively world of jelly.

  • Smooth physics and controls that make driving fun and realistic.

  • Various themes and environments that offer diversity and challenge.

  • Different trucks that have their own look and feel.

  • Star system that motivates you to improve your skills and unlock new content.

  • Leaderboard that lets you compete with other players around the world.


Jelly Truck Unblocked is a game that can appeal to anyone who likes driving games, physics games, or just games that are fun and creative. It is a game that can keep you entertained for hours with its addictive gameplay, charming graphics, and catchy music. It is also a game that can challenge you with its difficult levels, tricky obstacles, and competitive modes. It is a game that can make you laugh with its wacky physics, silly animations, and hilarious crashes. It is a game that can make you happy with its bright colors, cheerful sounds, and rewarding stars.


  • Fun and creative gameplay

  • Physics-based driving

  • Colorful graphics and animations

  • Various themes and environments

  • Different trucks to choose from

  • Star system and leaderboard


  • Some levels are too hard or frustrating

  • Some obstacles are too unpredictable or annoying

  • Some trucks are too slow or unstable

In Summary

Jelly Truck Unblocked is a game that combines driving, physics, and creativity in a delightful way. It is a game that lets you drive a squishy this game through challenging courses and overcome obstacles. It is a game that has 20 levels of increasing difficulty, each with a different theme and layout. It is a game that has a star system that rewards you for your performance and a leaderboard that lets you compete with other players. It is a game that has different trucks that have their own design and characteristics. It is a game that has beautiful graphics and animations that create a colorful and lively world of jelly.


Jelly Truck Unblocked is a game that we recommend to anyone who likes driving games, physics games, or just games that are fun and creative. It is a game that can provide you with hours of entertainment, challenge, and joy. It is a game that can make you smile, laugh, and happy. It is a game that you should try if you haven’t already. You can play it online at . Have fun!


3D Driving