Pizza Tower

Played 976 times.

100% (2/2)
Some of our users say that in this game they are facing black screen. I want to tell them that this game is fully working, you just have to wait for some time for the game to load completely and black screen is nothing but game. Loading is going on, so I request you to please wait, the game is loading, it takes some time, 5 to 10 seconds, for this time you have to look at the game screen and to start the game, you have to select "O" key and After that press "Z" key

Pizza Tower Unblocked is a 2D platformer game developed by Turborilla and published by Devolver Digital. It was released on September 22, 2023, for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and macOS. Pizza Tower follows the adventures of Peppino Spaghetti, a pizza delivery boy who must climb the titular Pizza Tower to rescue his girlfriend, Mozzarella, from the evil chef Spaghettoni. Along the way, Peppino will use his platforming skills to navigate treacherous levels, battle bizarre enemies, and collect pizza ingredients.this game available only classroom6x so you can play easily now

Also play Most Popular Platformer Game: OVO Unblocked


It was developed by Turborilla, a one-man studio led by Johnathan Leitch. Leitch is a veteran game developer who has worked on titles such as Cuphead and Shovel Knight.

Release Date History

September 22, 2023 (Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS)

Controls of Pizza Tower Unblocked

Basic Controls

  • Z: Jump/Interact/Select

  • Arrow Keys: Move/Climb

  • X: Charge

Advanced Controls

  • Up + Z: High Jump

  • Down while falling: Freefall

  • Hold Z in mid-air: Float

  • Charge + Z: Dash

  • Charge + X: Ground Pound

Explanations Every Controls

  • Jump: Press Z to jump. Peppino can jump multiple times in a row and can also wall jump.

  • Interact: Press Z to interact with objects in the environment, such as doors, switches, and enemies.

  • Select: Press Z to select a menu option.

  • Move: Use the arrow keys to move Peppino left and right.

  • Climb: Press the up arrow key to climb ladders and vines.

  • Charge: Press and hold X to charge up a powerful attack. Peppino can charge his attack while standing still or moving.

  • High Jump: Press up and Z while in the air to perform a high jump.

  • Freefall: Press down while falling to break Peppino's fall. This can be useful for avoiding damage or reaching lower platforms.

  • Float: Hold Z in mid-air to float for a short period of time. This can be useful for crossing gaps or avoiding hazards.

  • Dash: Charge and press Z to dash forward. This can be used to attack enemies or cross gaps quickly.

  • Ground Pound: Charge and press X to perform a ground pound. This can be used to damage enemies or break through certain blocks.

How to Play (Step-by-Step Guide for Classroom6x)

  1. Go to the Classroom6x website and search for "Pizza Tower Unblocked".

  2. Click on the "Play Now" button.

  3. Use the arrow keys to move Peppino left and right.

  4. Press Z to jump.

  5. Press X to charge up a powerful attack.

  6. Press Z while charging to release the attack.

  7. Use the up arrow key to climb ladders and vines.

  8. Defeat the enemies and reach the end of the level to win.

Gameplay of Pizza Tower Unblocked

The game is a 2D platformer game where players control Peppino Spaghetti, a pizza delivery boy who must climb the titular Pizza Tower to rescue his girlfriend, Mozzarella, from the evil chef Spaghettoni. Along the way, Peppino will use his platforming skills to navigate treacherous levels, battle bizarre enemies, and collect pizza ingredients.

The game features a variety of different gameplay elements, including:

  1. Platforming: Players must use Peppino's jumping and climbing abilities to navigate the levels, which are filled with traps, hazards, and enemies.

  2. Combat: Players can use Peppino's basic attack and charged attack to defeat enemies. Peppino can also collect and use various weapons, such as pizzas, knives, and forks.

  3. Exploration: The levels are filled with secrets and hidden areas to explore. Players can find pizza ingredients, coins, and other items hidden around the levels.

Game Modes

It has features two main game modes:

Story Mode: In Story Mode, players progress through the game's 52 levels, defeating enemies and collecting pizza ingredients along the way. The goal is to reach the top of the Pizza Tower and defeat Spaghettoni.
Challenge Mode: In Challenge Mode, players can replay any of the levels from Story Mode in a more challenging mode. Challenge Modes feature increased difficulty, such as more enemies, tougher traps, and less time to complete the level.

Advanced strategies and tips for winning


  • Use your environment to your advantage. Many of the levels in this game feature traps and hazards that can be used to defeat enemies or solve puzzles. For example, you can lure enemies into spikes or push them into pits.
    Use the right weapon for the job. Peppino can collect and use a variety of different

  • weapons, each with its own unique properties. For example, pizzas are good for dealing damage to multiple enemies, while knives are good for dealing high damage to single enemies.

  • Master Peppino's movement abilities. Peppino's float, dash, and ground pound abilities can be very useful for traversing levels and defeating enemies. For example, you can use the float ability to cross gaps that would otherwise be impossible to cross.
    Learn the enemy patterns. Each enemy in the game has its own unique attack patterns. By learning these patterns, you can avoid getting hit and defeat enemies more easily.


  • Don't be afraid to experiment. There is no one right way to play this game Try different strategies and find what works best for you.

  • Don't get discouraged if you die. this game is a challenging game, and it's normal to die a lot. Just keep at it and you'll eventually beat the game.

  • Take advantage of the practice mode. Each level in this game has a practice mode that allows you to practice the level without having to worry about dying. This is a great way to learn the level layout and enemy patterns.


It has features a variety of different platforms, each with its own unique properties. Here are some tips for dealing with different types of platforms:

  • Moving platforms: Be careful when jumping on moving platforms. If you fall off, you'll lose a life.

  • Crumbling platforms: Crumbling platforms will break after a few seconds. Be sure to cross them quickly.

  • Icy platforms: Icy platforms are slippery. Be careful not to slip off.

  • Bouncy platforms: Bouncy platforms will launch Peppino into the air. Use them to reach higher platforms.

Key Features

  1. Unique art style: It features a unique and hand-drawn art style that is both charming and visually appealing.

  2. Variety of gameplay elements: The game features a variety of different gameplay elements, including platforming, combat, and exploration.

  3. Challenging levels: The levels in this game are challenging but fair. There is a good sense of progression as you learn the enemy patterns and master the level layouts.

  4. Memorable characters: The characters in this game are all memorable and unique. Peppino is a likeable protagonist, and the villains are all over-the-top and entertaining.

Review of Pizza Tower Unblocked

this game is a fantastic platformer game with a unique art style, challenging levels, and memorable characters. It is a must-play for fans of the genre.


  • Unique and charming art style

  • Variety of different gameplay elements

  • Challenging but fair levels

  • Memorable characters


  • The game can be a bit difficult for newcomers to the platformer genre.

  • The game is relatively short, but it is packed with content.

In Summary

Pizza Tower Unblocked is a 2D platformer game developed by Turborilla and published by Devolver Digital. It was released on September 22, 2023, for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and macOS.

The game follows the adventures of Peppino Spaghetti, a pizza delivery boy who must climb the titular this game to rescue his girlfriend, Mozzarella, from the evil chef Spaghettoni. Along the way, Peppino will use his platforming skills to navigate treacherous levels, battle bizarre enemies, and collect pizza ingredients.

this is a challenging and rewarding platformer game with a unique art style and memorable characters. The game features a variety of different gameplay elements, including platforming, combat, and exploration. Players can choose to play through the game's Story Mode or Challenge Mode, depending on their difficulty preference.


Pizza Tower Unblocked is a fantastic platformer game that is sure to please fans of the genre. It is a must-play for anyone who loves challenging levels, memorable characters, and unique art styles.

Here are some additional thoughts on the game:

Pizza Tower Unblocked is a very well-designed game. The levels are challenging but fair, and the controls are responsive.
The game's art style is unique and charming. The characters are all expressive and well-animated.
The game's soundtrack is excellent. It is catchy and upbeat, and it fits the tone of the game perfectly.

Overall, this game is a fantastic platformer game that is sure to keep you entertained for hours on end. It is a must-play for fans of the genre.


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