Short Ride

Played 1159 times.

75% (6/8)
Short Ride is an Unblocked game that challenges players to ride a bicycle through various levels full of hazards and obstacles. The game is a sequel to the popular game Short Life, which features a similar gameplay but with a different character and theme. Short Ride was developed by Gametornado, a game studio based in the Czech Republic that is known for creating action-packed and humorous games such as Rio Rex, L.A. Rex, NY Rex, London Rex, and Death Chase. Short Ride was released in December 2018 and is available for free on various platforms Classroom 6x


Short Ride Unblocked has two types of controls: basic and advanced.

The basic controls are:

  • Left and right arrow keys / A, D - Move left and right

  • Up arrow / W - Accelerate

  • Space bar - Get on / off bicycle

The advanced controls are:

  • Down arrow / S - Brake

  • Shift - Boost

  • Z / X / C - Grab objects

  • R - Restart level

How to Play Short Ride Unblocked

To play Short Ride Unblocked, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to one of the Classroom 6x and select the game

  2. Choose a level from the menu. There are 20 levels in total, each with different challenges and environments.

  3. Use the basic or advanced controls to ride your bicycle through the level. You need to avoid hitting any hazards or obstacles, such as spikes, saws, axes, bombs, arrows, etc. If you hit them, you will lose limbs or die in a gruesome way.

  4. Collect stars along the way for extra points. There are three stars in each level. You can also grab objects with your hands and use them as weapons or shields.

  5. Reach the finish line alive to complete the level. You will see your score and time at the end of the level.


Short Ride Unblocked is a game that combines fun and danger in a unique way. The game is based on ragdoll physics, which means that the character’s body reacts realistically to the forces and impacts that it encounters. The game also features blood and gore effects, which add to the humor and horror of the game. The game is not meant to be taken seriously, but rather to provide entertainment and challenge for the players.

The game has 20 levels that vary in difficulty and theme. Some of the levels are based on real-life locations or events, such as a construction site, a circus, a Halloween party, a war zone, etc. The levels are full of creative and deadly traps and obstacles that test the player’s skills and reflexes. The player has to use their bike and their hands to navigate through the level and avoid getting hurt or killed.

The game also has a star system that rewards the player for collecting stars in each level. The stars are hidden or placed in hard-to-reach places, which require the player to explore the level and take risks. The stars also unlock new bikes and characters that have different appearances and abilities.

Game Modes

Short Ride Unblocked has two game modes: normal mode and hard mode. In normal mode, the player can choose any level they want from the menu and play it at their own pace. In hard mode, the player has to play all 20 levels in order without dying or restarting. If they die or restart, they have to start from the beginning again. Hard mode is more challenging and rewarding than normal mode.

Advance Strategies

To master Short Ride Unblocked, the player needs to use some advance strategies that can help them survive and complete the levels faster and easier. Some of these strategies are:

  • Use the boost feature wisely. The boost feature allows the player to speed up their bike for a short time by pressing Shift. However, it also consumes stamina, which is shown by a yellow bar at the bottom of the screen. If the stamina runs out, the player cannot use the boost until it recharges. Therefore, the player should use the boost only when necessary or when they have enough stamina.

  • Use objects as weapons or shields. The player can grab objects with their hands by pressing Z / X / C. Some of these objects can be used as weapons or shields against hazards or enemies. For example, the player can grab an axe and swing it at an enemy soldier or a bomb and throw it at a trap.

  • Use shortcuts or alternative paths. Some levels have shortcuts or alternative paths that can help the player avoid some hazards or reach some stars faster. The player should look for these paths and use them if they can.

  • Learn from mistakes. The player should not give up if they die or fail a level. Instead, they should learn from their mistakes and try again. The player should pay attention to the hazards and obstacles in each level and memorize their patterns and locations. The player should also try different strategies and see what works best for them.

Tips for Winning

To win Short Ride Unblocked, the player needs to follow some tips that can improve their performance and score. Some of these tips are:

  • Wear a helmet. The helmet is the only safety gear that the player has in the game. The helmet can protect the player’s head from some hazards, such as spikes or arrows. The helmet can also prevent the player from dying instantly if they hit their head hard. Therefore, the player should always wear a helmet and try not to lose it.

  • Collect stars. The stars are not only for extra points, but also for unlocking new bikes and characters. The new bikes and characters have different looks and abilities that can make the game more fun and diverse. For example, some bikes have better speed or handling, while some characters have more limbs or special features. Therefore, the player should try to collect as many stars as possible in each level.

  • Be careful and patient. this is a game that requires carefulness and patience from the player. The game is full of surprises and dangers that can kill the player in an instant. Therefore, the player should not rush or be reckless in the game. The player should take their time and observe the level before moving forward. The player should also be ready to react quickly and adapt to any situation.


Short Ride Unblocked is available for free on various platforms, such as:

  • Web and iOS and android


Short Ride Unblocked has many features that make it an enjoyable and addictive game for players of all ages and preferences. Some of these features are:

  • Ragdoll physics: The game uses ragdoll physics to simulate the character’s body movements and reactions to forces and impacts. The ragdoll physics make the game more realistic and hilarious at the same time.

  • Blood and gore effects: The game has blood and gore effects that show the character’s injuries and deaths in a graphic way. The blood and gore effects add to the humor and horror of the game.

  • 20 levels: The game has 20 levels that vary in difficulty and theme. Each level has its own challenges and environments that test the player’s skills and reflexes.

  • Star system: The game has a star system that rewards the player for collecting stars in each level. The stars also unlock new bikes and characters that have different appearances and abilities.

  • Normal mode and hard mode: The game has two game modes: normal mode and hard mode. In normal mode, the player can choose any level they want from the menu and play it at their own pace. In hard mode, the player has to play all 20 levels in order without dying or restarting.


Short Ride Unblocked is a game that can be enjoyed by anyone who likes fun and danger in equal measure. The game is a sequel to the popular game Short Life, which features a similar gameplay but with a different character and theme.

The game is based on ragdoll physics, which means that the character’s body reacts realistically to the forces and

impacts that it encounters. The game also features blood and gore effects, which add to the humor and horror of the game. The game is not meant to be taken seriously, but rather to provide entertainment and challenge for the players.

The game has 20 levels that vary in difficulty and theme. Some of the levels are based on real-life locations or events, such as a construction site, a circus, a Halloween party, a war zone, etc. The levels are full of creative and deadly traps and obstacles that test the player’s skills and reflexes. The player has to use their bike and their hands to navigate through the level and avoid getting hurt or killed.

The game also has a star system that rewards the player for collecting stars in each level. The stars are hidden or placed in hard-to-reach places, which require the player to explore the level and take risks. The stars also unlock new bikes and characters that have different appearances and abilities.

Pros and Cons

Short Ride Unblocked is a game that has many pros and cons that can appeal to different types of players. Some of the pros are:

  • The game is fun and funny. The game has a lot of humor and comedy in its gameplay and graphics. The game makes fun of the character’s misfortunes and deaths in a hilarious way. The game also has witty dialogues and sound effects that add to the amusement.

  • The game is challenging and rewarding. The game has a high level of difficulty and requires skill and patience from the player. The game also has a hard mode that adds more challenge and excitement. The game rewards the player for completing the levels and collecting the stars with new bikes and characters.

  • The game is creative and diverse. The game has a lot of variety and originality in its levels and hazards. The game also has different themes and scenarios that make each level unique and interesting. The game also has different bikes and characters that have different looks and abilities.

Some of the cons are:

  • The game is violent and gruesome. The game has a lot of blood and gore in its gameplay and graphics. The game shows the character’s injuries and deaths in a graphic way. The game may not be suitable for young or sensitive players who may find it disturbing or offensive.

  • The game is repetitive and frustrating. The game has a lot of trial and error in its gameplay and requires the player to restart the levels many times. The game may not be enjoyable for some players who may find it boring or annoying.

  • The game is short and limited. The game has only 20 levels that can be completed quickly. The game also has no multiplayer or online features that can extend its replay value. The game may not be satisfying for some players who may want more content or options.

In Summary

Short Ride Unblocked is a game that combines fun and danger in a unique way. The game is a sequel to the popular game Short Life, which features a similar gameplay but with a different character and theme.

The game is based on ragdoll physics, which means that the character’s body reacts realistically to the forces

and impacts that it encounters. The game also features blood and gore effects, which add to the humor and horror of the game. The game is not meant to be taken seriously, but rather to provide entertainment and challenge for the players.

The game has 20 levels that vary in difficulty and theme. Each level has its own challenges and environments that test the player’s skills and reflexes. The player has to use their bike and their hands to navigate through the level and avoid getting hurt or killed.

The game also has a star system that rewards the player for collecting stars in each level. The stars are hidden or placed in hard-to-reach places, which require the player to explore the level and take risks. The stars also unlock new bikes and characters that have different appearances and abilities.


Short Ride Unblocked is a game that can be enjoyed by anyone who likes fun and danger in equal measure. The game is a sequel to the popular game Short Life, which features a similar gameplay but with a different character and theme. it was developed by Gametornado, a game studio based in the Czech Republic that is known for creating action-packed and humorous games such as Rio Rex, L.A. Rex, NY Rex, London Rex, and Death Chase.

If you are looking for a game that can make you laugh and scream at the same time, then this is the game for you. But be warned: this game is not for the faint of heart or stomach!


Action Funny