The World’s Hardest Game 4

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The World’s Hardest Game 4 Unblocked is the fourth installment of the popular series of games that are known for their high difficulty and addictive gameplay. The game was developed by Snubby Land, a website that hosts various flash games, and released in September 2016. The game has 60 levels of increasing complexity, where the player has to control a red square and avoid blue circles, while collecting yellow coins and reaching the green exit. The game also features water, ice, conveyor belts, and other obstacles that make the game more challenging and fun.

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Controls & Play now The World’s Hardest Game 4 Unblocked

The game can be played with either basic or advanced controls. The basic controls are the arrow keys or the WASD keys, which move the red square in four directions. The advanced controls are the mouse, which moves the red square to the cursor position, and the spacebar, which pauses the game. The mouse controls are more precise and responsive, but also more difficult to master. The player can switch between the two control modes at any time by pressing the C key.

How to Play The World’s Hardest Game 4 Unblocked

To play The World’s Hardest Game 4 Unblocked, the player has to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the website Classroom 6x, which hosts the game for free.

  2. Click on the game icon and wait for it to load.

  3. Choose a level to start from, or continue from where you left off.

  4. Use the basic or advanced controls to move the red square and avoid the blue circles.

  5. Collect all the yellow coins in the level and reach the green exit.

  6. Try to complete the level with as few deaths as possible.

  7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for the next levels until you finish the game.


The gameplay of The World’s Hardest Game 4 Unblocked is a combination of arcade and logic genres, where the player has to show their dexterity and strategy to complete all the tasks prepared for them. The player’s task is to control the red square, avoid the blue circles, and collect the yellow coins. The blue circles are the enemies that move in various patterns and speeds, and will kill the red square if they touch it. The yellow coins are the objectives that the player has to collect in order to unlock the green exit. The green exit is the goal that the player has to reach in order to complete the level. The game also has some special elements that add more variety and challenge to the gameplay, such as:

  • Water: Water is a transparent liquid that covers some parts of the level. The red square can swim in water, but it will move slower and have less control. The blue circles can also swim in water, and will move faster and have more control. The player has to be careful when crossing water, as it can be very dangerous.

  • Ice: Ice is a slippery surface that makes the red square slide when it moves on it. The red square will have less friction and more momentum on ice, and will be harder to stop and change direction. The blue circles will also slide on ice, and will have less predictability and more randomness. The player has to be skillful when moving on ice, as it can be very tricky.

  • Conveyor belts: Conveyor belts are moving platforms that carry the red square and the blue circles along with them. The red square will have to adjust its speed and direction according to the conveyor belt’s movement, and will have to avoid the blue circles that are also carried by it. The player has to be attentive when using conveyor belts, as they can be very helpful or harmful.

Game modes

The game has two game modes that offer different experiences and challenges to the player. The game modes are:

  • Normal mode: Normal mode is the default and standard mode of the game, where the player has to complete the 60 levels of the game in order. The player can choose any level to start from, but they have to finish the previous levels before they can unlock the next ones. The player can also see their progress and statistics, such as the number of deaths, the time spent, and the coins collected, for each level and for the whole game. The player can also see the global leaderboard, where they can compare their performance with other players around the world.

  • Practice mode: Practice mode is an optional and alternative mode of the game, where the player can practice any level of the game without any restrictions or penalties. The player can choose any level to play, and they can restart or skip it at any time. The player can also see the solution for each level, which shows the optimal path and strategy to complete it. The player can also see the hints for each level, which give some tips and advice to help them. The player can also see the cheats for each level, which allow them to modify some aspects of the game, such as the speed, the size, and the color of the red square and the blue circles. The player can use the practice mode to improve their skills and confidence, or to have some fun and experiment with the game.

Advance Strategies

The World’s Hardest Game 4 Unblocked requires a lot of practice and patience to master, but there are some advance strategies that can help the player to beat the game more easily and quickly. Some of the advance strategies are:

  • Memorize the patterns: The blue circles move in fixed and repeated patterns, which can be memorized and anticipated by the player. The player can study the blue circles’ movements and timings, and plan their moves accordingly. The player can also use the pause button to pause the game and analyze the situation, and use the solution button to see the best way to avoid the blue circles.

  • Use the mouse: The mouse controls are more precise and responsive than the keyboard controls, and can give the player more advantage and flexibility. The player can use the mouse to move the red square to the exact position and direction they want, and to react faster and smoother to the blue circles’ movements. The player can also use the mouse to click on the screen and move the red square instantly to that point, which can be very useful in some situations.

  • Exploit the glitches: The game has some glitches and bugs that can be exploited by the player to their benefit. Some of the glitches are:

    • The red square can go through the corners of the walls and the blue circles, which can save some time and distance.

    • The red square can go through the edges of the screen and appear on the opposite side, which can create some shortcuts and bypass some obstacles.

    • The red square can go through the green exit without collecting all the coins, which can skip some parts of the level.

Tips for Winning

The game is very hard and frustrating, but there are some tips that can help the player to win the game and enjoy it more. Some of the tips are:

  • Be calm and patient: The game is designed to test the player’s nerves and endurance, and to make them rage and quit. The player has to be calm and patient, and not let the game get to them. The player has to accept their mistakes and failures, and learn from them. The player has to keep trying and practicing, and not give up on the game.

  • Be careful and precise: The game is very unforgiving and demanding, and requires the player to be careful and precise. The player has to pay attention to every detail and movement, and avoid any mistake or distraction. The player has to control the red square with accuracy and skill, and avoid the blue circles with caution and strategy.

  • Have fun and relax: The game is meant to be fun and entertaining, and not to be taken too seriously or personally. The player has to have fun and relax, and not to stress or worry about the game. The player has to enjoy the game and its challenges, and not to hate or curse the game. The player has to remember that it is just a game, and not a matter of life or death.


The World’s Hardest Game 4 Unblocked is available on various platforms and devices, which can offer different experiences and features to the player. The platforms are:

  • Web browser: The game can be played online on any web browser that supports flash, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. The game can be accessed for free on Classroom 6x. The game can be played on any computer or laptop, and can be controlled with the keyboard or the mouse. The game can also be played on some mobile devices, such as tablets or smartphones, but it may not work properly or smoothly on them.


The game has some features that make it more attractive and enjoyable to the player. Some of the features are:

  • Graphics and sound: The game has simple and colorful graphics, which create a contrast and a harmony between the elements of the game. The game also has catchy and upbeat music, which create a mood and a rhythm for the game. The game also has realistic and funny sound effects, which create a feedback and a reaction for the game.

  • Progress and statistics: The game has a progress and statistics system, which tracks the player’s performance and achievements in the game. The player can see their progress and statistics for each level and for the whole game, such as the number of deaths, the time spent, and the coins collected. The player can also see the global leaderboard, where they can compare their performance with other players around the world, and see the top scores and the best players.

  • Solution and hints: The game has a solution and hints system, which helps the player to complete the game and to improve their skills. The player can see the solution for each level, which shows the optimal path and strategy to complete it. The player can also see the hints for each level, which give some tips and advice to help them. The player can use the solution and hints system to learn from the game and to overcome the difficulties.

  • Cheats and mods: The game has a cheats and mods system, which allows the player to modify some aspects of the game and to have some fun and experiment with the game. The player can see the cheats for each level, which allow them to change some settings and options, such as the speed, the size, and the color of the red square and the blue circles. The player can also see the mods for the game, which allow them to create and play their own levels, or to play the levels created by other players. The player can use the cheats and mods system to customize the game and to explore the possibilities.


The World’s Hardest Game 4 Unblocked is a very challenging and addictive arcade game, that tests the player’s skills and patience. The game has simple and colorful graphics, catchy and upbeat music, realistic and funny sound effects, 60 levels of increasing difficulty and variety, water, ice, conveyor belts, and other obstacles, normal mode and practice mode, progress and statistics system, solution and hints system, cheats and mods system, and global leaderboard. The game can be played on various platforms and devices, such as web browser, mobile app, computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. The game is suitable for anyone who likes arcade and logic games, and who is looking for a challenge and a fun. The game is also suitable for anyone who wants to improve their dexterity and strategy, or who wants to have some fun and relax. The game is not suitable for anyone who is easily frustrated or angry, or who is not willing to try and practice. The game is also not suitable for anyone who is looking for a realistic or complex game, or who is not interested in arcade and logic games.


Some of the pros of the game are:

  • The game is very challenging and addictive, and can keep the player engaged and entertained for a long time.

  • The game is very fun and satisfying, and can give the player a sense of accomplishment and reward when they complete the levels.

  • The game is very simple and easy to play, and does not require any installation or registration.

  • The game is very diverse and varied, and offers different experiences and features to the player.

  • The game is very helpful and supportive, and provides the player with tools and resources to help them complete the game and to improve their skills.


Some of the cons of the game are:

  • The game is very hard and frustrating, and can make the player rage and quit the game.

  • The game is very repetitive and monotonous, and can bore the player after a while.

  • The game is very basic and plain, and does not have any story or plot.

  • The game is very glitchy and buggy, and can cause some problems and errors to the player.

  • The game is very old and outdated, and does not have any updates or improvements.

In Summary

The World’s Hardest Game 4 Unblocked is a challenging and addictive arcade game that tests the player’s skills and patience. The game has simple and colorful graphics, catchy and upbeat music, realistic and funny sound effects, 60 levels of increasing difficulty and variety, water, ice, conveyor belts, and other obstacles, normal mode and practice mode, progress and statistics system, solution and hints system, cheats and mods system, and global leaderboard. The game can be played on various platforms and devices, such as web browser, mobile app, computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. The game is suitable for anyone who likes arcade and logic games, and who is looking for a challenge and a fun. The game is also suitable for anyone who wants to improve their dexterity and strategy, or who wants to have some fun and relax. The game is not suitable for anyone who is easily frustrated or angry, or who is not willing to try and practice. The game is also not suitable for anyone who is looking for a realistic or complex game, or who is not interested in arcade and logic games.


The World’s Hardest Game 4 Unblocked is a game that can be enjoyed by anyone who likes arcade and logic games, and who is looking for a challenge and a fun. The game is a game that can be hated by anyone who is easily frustrated or angry, or who is not willing to try and practice. The game is a game that can be loved or loathed, depending on the player’s personality and preference. The game is a game that can be played or ignored, depending on the player’s mood and interest. The game is a game that can be a source of joy or pain, depending on the player’s performance and achievement. The game is a game that can be a masterpiece or a disaster, depending on the player’s perspective and opinion. The game is a game that can be anything, depending on the player.

