Time Shooter 3: S.W.A.T

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Time Shooter 3: SWAT Unblocked is a first-person shooter game where your movement affects time. It is the sequel to Time Shooter 2 and takes inspiration from the game SuperHot. In this game, you play as a SWAT operative who has to take down terrorists who have stolen SWAT gear and taken hostages. You have to use your skills and weapons to eliminate the enemies and free the hostages, while using time as your ultimate weapon.


Controls of Time Shooter 3: SWAT Unblocked

The game can be played with a keyboard and mouse, or with a controller.

The basic controls are:

  • WASD or arrow keys = move

  • Left-click = shoot / pick up weapon

  • Right-click or R = throw weapon

  • F = pick up / throw shield

The advanced controls are:

  • Shift = sprint

  • Space = jump

  • C = crouch

  • Q = switch weapon

  • E = use battering ram / shotgun

  • G = use grenade

How to Play Time Shooter 3: SWAT Unblocked

To play the game, you have to follow these steps:

  1. Go to CLassroom6x and click on the Time Shooter 3: SWAT Unblocked icon.

  2. Choose a game mode and a difficulty level.

  3. Follow the instructions on the screen and complete the objectives of each level.

  4. Use your weapons and time manipulation to defeat the enemies and save the hostages.

  5. Enjoy the slow-mo gunfights and the body-shattering violence.

Full Gameplay of Time Shooter 3: SWAT Unblocked

The gameplay of Time Shooter 3: SWAT Unblocked is similar to that of Time Shooter 2 Unblocked, but with several new features and challenges. The game consists of different levels, each with a different objective and setting. Some of the objectives are:

  • Breach the door and clear the room

  • Rescue the hostages and escort them to safety

  • Defuse the bomb before it explodes

  • Eliminate all the terrorists in the area

The game has two main mechanics: shooting and time manipulation. Shooting is done by aiming with the mouse and clicking the left button. You can also pick up weapons from the ground or from the enemies by clicking the left button near them. You can throw weapons by clicking the right button or pressing R. You can also use shields, battering rams, shotguns, and grenades for extra damage and protection.

Time manipulation is done by moving or not moving. When you move, time moves normally. When you stop moving, time slows down to a crawl. This allows you to dodge bullets, plan your actions, and execute them with precision. You can also see the trajectory of the bullets and the enemies’ movements in slow motion.

The game has different types of enemies, each with different weapons and behaviors. Some of the enemies are:

  • Basic terrorists: They wear orange clothes and have pistols or rifles. They are easy to kill but can be dangerous in numbers.

  • Shielded terrorists: They wear black clothes and have riot shields and pistols. They are harder to kill because they can block your bullets with their shields. You have to shoot them from behind or use explosives to break their shields.

  • Helmeted terrorists: They wear black clothes and have helmets and rifles. They are more resilient than basic terrorists because they can survive one headshot. You have to shoot them twice in the head or use explosives to kill them.

  • Armored terrorists: They wear black clothes and have body armor and shotguns. They are very tough because they can withstand multiple shots from any weapon. You have to use explosives or high-powered weapons to kill them.

The game has different types of weapons, each with different characteristics and effects. Some of the weapons are:

  • Pistol: A basic handgun that has low damage but high accuracy and fire rate. It is good for close-range combat and headshots.

  • Rifle: A semi-automatic rifle that has medium damage but low accuracy and fire rate. It is good for medium-range combat and body shots.

  • Shotgun: A pump-action shotgun that has high damage but low accuracy and fire rate. It is good for close-range combat and multiple enemies.

  • Sniper rifle: A bolt-action sniper rifle that has very high damage but very low accuracy and fire rate. It is good for long-range combat and one-shot kills.

  • Grenade launcher: A single-shot grenade launcher that has very high damage but very low accuracy and fire rate. It is good for explosive damage and area effect.

Game Modes

The game has three game modes: Story, Endless, and Challenge.

Story mode is the main mode of the game, where you follow a linear storyline and complete different levels with different objectives. The story mode has three difficulty levels: Easy, Normal, and Hard.

Endless mode is a survival mode where you face an endless wave of enemies in a random level. The endless mode has four difficulty levels: Easy, Normal, Hard, and Insane.

Challenge mode is a mode where you have to complete specific tasks in a limited time or with limited resources. The challenge mode has 10 challenges, each with a different level and objective.

Advance Strategies

To master the game, you have to use some advanced strategies and techniques. Some of them are:

  • Use time manipulation to your advantage. Stop moving when you are in danger or when you need to plan your next move. Move when you are ready to execute your plan or when you need to escape.

  • Use cover and stealth. Hide behind walls, doors, furniture, or hostages to avoid enemy fire. Sneak behind enemies and kill them silently or use melee attacks.

  • Use the environment and objects. Shoot barrels, gas tanks, fire extinguishers, or windows to cause explosions or distractions. Throw objects like chairs, bottles, or books at enemies to stun them or make them drop their weapons.

  • Use different weapons for different situations. Choose the weapon that suits your style and the level. Switch weapons when you run out of ammo or when you need a different effect.

  • Aim for the head. Headshots are the most effective way to kill enemies, especially helmeted and armored ones. Aim for the head whenever possible and use weapons that have high accuracy and damage.

Tips for Winning

To win the game, you have to follow some tips and tricks. Some of them are:

  • Be aware of your surroundings. Look around and check for enemies, weapons, hostages, and objectives. Use the mouse to rotate the camera and see everything.

  • Be fast and precise. Move quickly and shoot accurately. Don’t waste time or ammo on unnecessary shots or movements.

  • Be flexible and creative. Adapt to the situation and use different strategies and techniques. Experiment with different weapons and time manipulation effects.

  • Be careful and cautious. Don’t rush into danger or expose yourself to enemy fire. Avoid traps and ambushes. Protect yourself and the hostages.


Time Shooter 3: SWAT Unblocked is available for free on web browsers (desktop and mobile). It is made with HTML5 (Unity WebGL) technology, which allows it to run smoothly on any device.


It has many features that make it fun and exciting. Some of them are:

  • Epic slow-mo gunfights in 3D

  • Various weapons to do damage with

  • Several new features and challenges

  • Play for free in your web browser

Review of Time Shooter 3: SWAT Unblocked

Time Shooter 3: SWAT Unblocked is a great game for fans of first-person shooters and time manipulation games. It is a thrilling and challenging game that tests your skills and reflexes. It is also a satisfying and enjoyable game that lets you experience the action and violence of a SWAT operation.


  • The game has amazing graphics and sound effects that create a realistic and immersive atmosphere.

  • The game has smooth and responsive controls that allow you to move and shoot with ease.

  • The game has a simple and intuitive interface that shows you everything you need to know.

  • The game has a captivating and engaging storyline that keeps you interested and motivated.

  • The game has a high replay value that offers you different modes, levels, difficulties, and challenges.


  • The game can be too hard or frustrating for some players who are not used to the time manipulation mechanic or the fast-paced gameplay.

  • The game can be too violent or graphic for some players who are sensitive to blood, gore, or violence.

  • The game can have some bugs or glitches that affect the performance or the gameplay.

In Summary

Time Shooter 3: SWAT Unblocked is a first-person shooter game where your movement affects time. It is the sequel to Time Shooter 2 and takes inspiration from the game SuperHot. In this game, you play as a SWAT operative who has to take down terrorists who have stolen SWAT gear and taken hostages. You have to use your skills and weapons to eliminate the enemies and free the hostages, while using time as your ultimate weapon.


Time Shooter 3: SWAT Unblocked is a game that I recommend to anyone who likes shooting games, action games, or time manipulation games. It is a game that will challenge your mind and body, as well as entertain you with its awesome gameplay and features. It is a game that will make you feel like a badass SWAT agent who can control time and save the day.


Shooting First Person Shooter