Last Wood

Played 679 times.

100% (6/6)
Last Wood is an Unblocked game that combines survival, crafting, and colony management genres. It is set in a post-apocalyptic world where most of the land has been submerged by the ocean. The player has to guide a group of survivors on a raft, collecting resources, building structures, fighting enemies, and exploring the world.

Developer: this is developed by JustUsGameLab, an indie game studio based in Taiwan. The game is published by JustUsGameLab and Gamera Games, a Chinese publisher that focuses on indie games.

Release date: it was first released as a prototype on in 2017, where it gained popularity and positive feedback from the community. The game was then launched on Steam Early Access on August 23, 2019, with regular updates and new content added. The full release date has not been announced yet, but the developers have stated that they plan to finish the game by the end of 2023.


The game can be controlled with the mouse and the keyboard. The mouse is used to select and interact with objects, characters, and menus. The keyboard is used to zoom in and out, move the camera, and cancel actions. The game also supports gamepad controllers.

How to play

Last Wood Unblocked starts with a tutorial that teaches the basic mechanics and objectives of the game. The player has to manage the needs and skills of the survivors, such as hunger, thirst, health, mood, and fatigue. The player also has to craft and build various items and structures on the raft, such as beds, storages, farms, fishing rods, sails, and weapons. The player can also expand the raft by attaching more wood pieces or other materials. The game features a day and night cycle, as well as weather effects that can affect the gameplay. The player has to deal with various threats and challenges, such as sharks, raiders, storms, and diseases. The player can also explore the ocean and discover different islands, ruins, and secrets. The game has a story mode that follows the main plot of the game, as well as a sandbox mode that allows the player to customize the game settings and play freely.


The gameplay of Last Wood Unblocked is influenced by games such as RimWorld, Don’t Starve, and Raft. The game has a voxel-based graphics style that gives it a unique and colorful look. The game also has a lot of humor and charm, as well as emotional and dramatic moments. The game has a lot of depth and replay value, as the player can experience different scenarios and outcomes depending on their choices and actions. The game also has a lot of content and features, such as different biomes, animals, plants, resources, events, technologies, and secrets. The game also has a breeding system that allows the survivors to have offspring and pass on their genes and traits. The game also has a modding system that allows the players to create and share their own content and modifications.

Game modes

Last Wood Unblocked has two main game modes: story mode and sandbox mode. Story mode follows the main plot of the game, where the player has to find out the truth behind the apocalypse and the world. Story mode has a linear progression and a fixed ending. Sandbox mode allows the player to customize the game settings and play freely. Sandbox mode has no specific goals or endings, and the player can create their own scenarios and challenges.

Advance strategies

Some of the advance strategies that can help the player in the game are:

    • Plan ahead and prioritize the tasks and goals. The player should always have enough resources and supplies to survive and deal with unexpected situations. The player should also focus on the most important and urgent needs and problems first, and avoid wasting time and resources on unnecessary things.

    • Balance the needs and skills of the survivors. The player should assign the survivors to the tasks that suit their skills and preferences, and avoid overworking or neglecting them. The player should also take care of the survivors’ mood and relationships, and avoid conflicts and stress. The player should also train and improve the survivors’ skills and abilities, and equip them with the best items and weapons.

    • Explore and scavenge the world. The player should not limit themselves to the raft, but also venture out and discover new places and things. The player should scavenge the islands and ruins for valuable resources and items, and also trade with other survivors and factions. The player should also be careful and prepared for the dangers and enemies that lurk in the ocean and the land.

    • Research and upgrade the technology. The player should not settle for the basic and primitive items and structures, but also research and upgrade the technology and equipment. The player should unlock new and better items and structures, such as solar panels, water purifiers, engines, and weapons. The player should also use the technology to improve the efficiency and productivity of the raft and the survivors.

    • Breed and evolve the survivors. The player should not only maintain the population of the survivors, but also breed and evolve them. The player should select the best mates for the survivors, and produce offspring that inherit their genes and traits. The player should also experiment with different combinations and mutations, and create unique and diverse survivors.

Tips for winning

Some of the tips that can help the player win the game are:

      • Save the game frequently and use multiple save slots. The game can be unpredictable and challenging, and the player may encounter situations that can ruin their progress or end their game. The player should save the game frequently and use multiple save slots, so that they can reload the game and try different options and strategies if things go wrong.

      • Use the pause and speed buttons. The game can be fast-paced and hectic, and the player may have to deal with multiple tasks and events at the same time. The player should use the pause and speed buttons to control the flow of the game, and give themselves time to think and act. The player should pause the game when they need to plan and organize, and speed up the game when they need to wait or skip.

      • Learn from the mistakes and failures. The game can be difficult and unforgiving, and the player may make mistakes and failures that can cost them the game. The player should learn from the mistakes and failures, and not give up or rage quit. The player should analyze what went wrong and how to avoid or fix it, and try again with a different approach and attitude.


The game is currently available on Classroom 6x for Windows and macOS platforms. The game can be purchased and downloaded from Steam or The game also supports Steam Workshop, where the players can access and download user-generated content and mods.


Some of the features that make the game stand out are:

    • Voxel-based graphics style that gives the game a unique and colorful look.

    • Humor and charm that add personality and fun to the game.

    • Emotional and dramatic moments that add depth and immersion to the game.

    • Depth and replay value that offer different scenarios and outcomes depending on the choices and actions of the player.

    • Content and features that offer a lot of variety and diversity to the game.

    • Breeding system that allows the survivors to have offspring and pass on their genes and traits.

    • Modding system that allows the players to create and share their own content and modifications.


Here is a brief review of the game based on its pros and cons:

    • Pros:

      • The game is original and creative, combining survival, crafting, and colony management genres in a post-apocalyptic oceanic world.

      • The game is engaging and addictive, offering a lot of challenges and opportunities to the player.

      • The game is immersive and atmospheric, creating a realistic and believable world with a rich lore and history.

      • The game is fun and enjoyable, featuring a lot of humor and charm, as well as emotional and dramatic moments.

      • The game is varied and diverse, featuring a lot of content and features, such as different biomes, animals, plants, resources, events, technologies, and secrets.

      • The game is customizable and moddable, allowing the player to adjust the game settings and play freely, as well as create and share their own content and modifications.

    • Cons:

      • The game is still in early access, and may have bugs, glitches, and unfinished features.

      • The game can be difficult and unforgiving, and may frustrate or discourage some players.

      • The game can be repetitive and grindy, and may bore or tire some players.

      • The game can be demanding and complex, and may overwhelm or confuse some players.

In summary

Last Wood is an Unblocked game that combines survival, crafting, and colony management genres in a post-apocalyptic oceanic world. The player has to guide a group of survivors on a raft, collecting resources, building structures, fighting enemies, and exploring the world. The game has a voxel-based graphics style, a lot of humor and charm, a breeding system, and a modding system. The game is original, creative, engaging, addictive, immersive, atmospheric, fun, enjoyable, varied, diverse, customizable, and moddable. The game is also still in early access, and may have bugs, glitches, and unfinished features. The game can also be difficult, unforgiving, repetitive, grindy, demanding, and complex.


Last Wood Unblocked is a game that is worth playing and supporting, especially for fans of survival, crafting, and colony management genres. The game is still in development, but it has a lot of potential and promise. The game is suitable for players who enjoy challenging and rewarding gameplay, as well as creative and moddable gameplay. The game is not suitable for players who prefer simple and casual gameplay, or who are easily frustrated or bored by the game’s difficulty and complexity. The game is available for Windows and macOS platforms, and can be purchased and downloaded from Steam or The game also supports Steam Workshop, where the players can access and download user-generated content and mods. Last Wood is a game that deserves more attention and recognition, and I hope that the developers will continue to improve and polish the game until it reaches its full release.


Adventure Survival Simulation Management Indie