The Final Earth 2

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The Final Earth 2 is a Unblocked city-building and simulation game set in a post-apocalyptic world. The game was developed by Florian van Strien, a Dutch indie game developer who also created the first game in the series, The Final Earth. The game was released on February 14, 2020 on Kongregate, and later on other platforms such as Steam,, and Google Play.


The Final Earth 2 Unblocked can be played with either basic or advanced controls.

The basic controls are:

  • Left-click to select and place buildings, or to interact with menus and buttons.

  • Right-click to cancel the current action or to open the building menu.

  • Mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

  • WASD or arrow keys to move the camera.

The advanced controls are:

  • Shift + left-click to place multiple buildings of the same type.

  • Ctrl + left-click to select multiple buildings or people.

  • Ctrl + A to select all buildings or people.

  • Delete to demolish the selected buildings.

  • R to rotate the selected buildings.

  • C to copy the selected buildings.

  • V to paste the copied buildings.

  • B to open the building menu.

  • M to open the map menu.

  • P to pause or resume the game.

  • Space to speed up or slow down the game.

How to Play The Final Earth 2 Unblocked

The Final Earth 2 Unblocked can be played in two modes: story mode or sandbox mode. In story mode, the player has to complete various missions and objectives while managing their city and resources. In sandbox mode, the player can create their own custom scenarios and settings, and play without any restrictions.

The game starts with a small space colony on a barren planet. The player has to build and expand their city by placing different types of buildings, such as houses, farms, factories, labs, schools, parks, and more. Each building has a specific function and cost, and some buildings require certain resources or technologies to be unlocked.

The player also has to manage their population, which consists of different types of people with different skills and needs. The player can assign people to different jobs, such as farmers, miners, engineers, scientists, teachers, entertainers, and more. Each job produces or consumes certain resources, such as food, water, metal, stone, wood, energy, research points, happiness, and education. The player has to balance the production and consumption of these resources to keep their city running smoothly.

The player can also explore and colonize other planets by building spaceships and sending them on missions. Each planet has different characteristics and challenges, such as climate, terrain, hazards, enemies, resources, and secrets. The player can also encounter other factions and civilizations, and interact with them through diplomacy or war.


The gameplay of The Final Earth 2 Unblocked is similar to other city-building and management games, such as SimCity or Cities: Skylines. The player has to plan and design their city layout, optimize their resource management, research new technologies, deal with random events and disasters, and achieve various goals and milestones.

The game features a lot of depth and complexity in its mechanics and systems. For example:

  • The game has a day-night cycle and seasons that affect the environment and the city’s performance.

  • The game has a dynamic weather system that can create rainstorms, snowstorms, heat waves, droughts, floods, fires, earthquakes, meteor showers, solar flares, and more.

  • The game has a pollution system that can affect the air quality and the health of the people and the environment.

  • The game has a crime system that can cause riots, vandalism, thefts, murders, sabotage, espionage, and more.

  • The game has a morale system that can affect the happiness and productivity of the people and the city.

  • The game has a loyalty system that can affect the allegiance and loyalty of the people and the factions.

  • The game has a reputation system that can affect the relations and interactions with other factions and civilizations.

  • The game has a combat system that can involve ground battles, air battles, space battles, and nuclear wars.

The game also features a lot of customization and creativity in its gameplay. For example:

  • The player can choose from various difficulty levels and settings that affect the gameplay experience.

  • The player can create their own custom scenarios and maps with different parameters and options.

  • The player can customize their city’s appearance and style with different themes and colors.

  • The player can name their city, their people, their planets, and their factions.

Game Modes

The Final Earth 2 Unblocked has two main game modes: story mode and sandbox mode.

Story mode is the default mode of the game. In this mode, the player follows a linear storyline that consists of several chapters and missions. Each chapter has a main objective that advances the plot, and several optional objectives that provide extra rewards and challenges. The story mode also features cutscenes, dialogues, and characters that add depth and immersion to the game’s world and lore.

Sandbox mode is an alternative mode of the game. In this mode, the player can create their own custom scenarios and maps with different parameters and options. The player can choose from various presets or create their own settings, such as the planet type, the climate, the resources, the factions, the events, and more. The sandbox mode also features a free play mode where the player can play without any objectives or restrictions.

Advance Strategies

The Final Earth 2 Unblocked requires a lot of strategic thinking and planning to succeed. Here are some advance strategies that can help the player improve their gameplay:

  • Plan ahead and anticipate future needs and problems. For example, build enough storage facilities to store excess resources, build enough power plants to supply enough energy, build enough defenses to protect against attacks, etc.

  • Optimize the city layout and efficiency. For example, place buildings close to each other to reduce travel time and distance, place buildings near relevant resources or facilities to reduce transport costs, place buildings in optimal locations to maximize their benefits, etc.

  • Research new technologies and upgrades. For example, research new buildings that provide better functions or outputs, research new technologies that unlock new features or options, research new upgrades that improve existing buildings or systems, etc.

  • Explore and colonize other planets. For example, explore new planets that offer new resources or opportunities, colonize new planets that expand the city’s territory and population, conquer or ally with other factions that provide new benefits or challenges, etc.

  • Manage the population and their needs. For example, assign people to suitable jobs that match their skills and preferences, provide people with enough food, water, housing, education, entertainment, and health care, keep people happy and loyal by fulfilling their requests and demands, etc.

Tips for Winning

The Final Earth 2 Unblocked can be challenging and difficult at times. Here are some tips that can help the player win the game:

  • Save the game frequently and use multiple save slots. The game can be unpredictable and unforgiving at times, so it is wise to save the game often and have backup saves in case something goes wrong.

  • Use the pause and speed buttons. The game can be fast-paced and overwhelming at times, so it is useful to pause the game and take a moment to think and plan. The game can also be slow and boring at times, so it is helpful to speed up the game and skip the waiting time.

  • Use the help menu and the wiki. The game has a lot of information and details that can be hard to remember or understand. The game has a help menu that provides basic instructions and tips for the game’s mechanics and systems. The game also has a wiki that provides comprehensive information and guides for the game’s features and content.

  • Watch tutorials and gameplay videos. The game has a steep learning curve and a lot of complexity that can be daunting for new or inexperienced players. The game has several tutorials that teach the basics of the game’s gameplay and controls. The game also has many gameplay videos that show examples of how to play the game effectively and efficiently.


The Final Earth 2 Unblocked is available on multiple platforms, such as:

  • Web browsers: The game can be played online on various websites, such as Kongregate, Newgrounds, Classroom 6x etc.

  • Windows: The game can be downloaded and played offline on Windows computers via Steam or

  • Android: The game can be downloaded and played offline on Android devices via Google Play or Amazon Appstore.

  • iOS: The game can be downloaded and played offline on iOS devices via App Store.


It has many features that make it unique and enjoyable, such as:

  • A rich and immersive story mode with cutscenes, dialogues, characters, missions, objectives, secrets, and more.

  • A flexible and creative sandbox mode with custom scenarios, maps, settings, options, presets, free play mode, and more.

  • A vast and diverse world with multiple planets to explore and colonize, each with different characteristics and challenges.

  • A complex and dynamic city-building and management system with various types of buildings, resources, people, jobs, technologies, upgrades, events, disasters, pollution, crime, morale, loyalty, reputation, combat, and more.

  • A lot of depth and complexity in its mechanics and systems that require strategic thinking and planning.

  • A lot of customization and creativity in its gameplay that allow the player to create their own city’s appearance and style.

  • A smooth and intuitive user interface and controls that make the game easy to play and navigate.

  • A colorful and pixelated graphics style that give the game a retro and nostalgic feel.

  • A catchy and atmospheric soundtrack that enhance the mood and immersion of the game.


The Final Earth 2 Unblocked is a great game for fans of city-building and management games, such as SimCity or Cities: Skylines. The game offers a lot of variety and challenge in its gameplay, as well as a lot of freedom and creativity in its sandbox mode. The game also has a compelling and immersive story mode that adds depth and interest to the game’s world and lore. The game is well-designed and well-executed, with a smooth and intuitive user interface, a colorful and pixelated graphics style, and a catchy and atmospheric soundtrack. The game is suitable for players of all ages and skill levels, as it has various difficulty levels and settings that can be adjusted to the player’s preference. The game is also very replayable, as it has multiple endings, secrets, achievements, and modes to discover and enjoy.

This is not without its flaws, however. The game can be buggy and glitchy at times, especially on some platforms or devices. The game can also be frustrating and overwhelming at times, especially on higher difficulty levels or with certain events or disasters. The game can also be repetitive and tedious at times, especially on longer or slower scenarios or missions. The game can also be confusing and unclear at times, especially on some aspects or features of the game that are not well-explained or documented.

In Summary

The Final Earth 2 Unblocked is a city-building and management game set in a post-apocalyptic world. The game features two main game modes: story mode and sandbox mode. In story mode, the player has to complete various missions and objectives while managing their city and resources. In sandbox mode, the player can create their own custom scenarios and settings, and play without any restrictions. The game has a lot of features that make it unique and enjoyable, such as a vast and diverse world, a complex and dynamic city-building system, a lot of depth and complexity in its mechanics and systems, a lot of customization and creativity in its gameplay, a smooth and intuitive user interface, a colorful and pixelated graphics style, and a catchy and atmospheric soundtrack.


The Final Earth 2 Unblocked is a great game for fans of city-building and management games. The game offers a lot of variety and challenge in its gameplay, as well as a lot of freedom and creativity in its sandbox mode. The game also has a compelling and immersive story mode that adds depth and interest to the game’s world and lore. The game is well-designed and well-executed, with a smooth and intuitive user interface, a colorful and pixelated graphics style, and a catchy and atmospheric soundtrack. The game is suitable for players of all ages and skill levels, as it has various difficulty levels and settings that can be adjusted to the player’s preference. The game is also very replayable, as it has multiple endings, secrets, achievements, and modes to discover and enjoy.

The game is not without its flaws, however. The game can be buggy and glitchy at times, especially on some platforms or devices. The game can also be frustrating and overwhelming at times, especially on higher difficulty levels or with certain events or disasters. The game can also be repetitive and tedious at times, especially on longer or slower scenarios or missions. The game can also be confusing and unclear at times, especially on some aspects or features of the game that are not well-explained or documented.

Overall, The Final Earth 2 is a fun and engaging game that deserves a try. It is one of the best games in its genre, and one of the best games of 2020.


Adventure Funny Simulation