Pre-Civilization Bronze Age

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Pre-Civilization Bronze Age is an Unblocked turn-based strategy game that simulates the development of ancient civilizations in the Mesopotamian Middle East between 6000 BC and 2000 BC. The game was developed by Clarus Victoria, a Russian indie studio that specializes in historical and educational games. The game was released on December 17, 2014 on Kongregate, a web gaming portal, and later on other platforms such as Coolmath Games, Y8 Games, and Armor Games.

Controls of Pre-Civilization Bronze Age Unblocked

The game can be played with a mouse only. The player can use the mouse to select different options on the game interface, such as assigning workers to various tasks, choosing technologies to research, building structures, managing resources, and engaging in combat. The player can also use the mouse to scroll the map and zoom in or out. The game has a tutorial mode that explains the basic controls and mechanics of the game.

How to Play Pre-Civilization Bronze Age

Pre-Civilization Bronze Age can be played in two modes: campaign mode and sandbox mode. In campaign mode, the player has to complete a series of scenarios that represent different historical periods and challenges. The player has to achieve certain objectives within a limited number of turns, such as reaching a certain population size, building a world wonder, or defeating an enemy civilization. In sandbox mode, the player can customize the map size, difficulty level, starting conditions, and victory conditions, and play as any of the available civilizations.

The game starts with a plot of land on the shore of the Euphrates river, where the player can establish their first settlement. The player has to assign workers to different tasks, such as farming, fishing, sheep herding, mining, defense, and research. Each task provides different benefits and costs, such as food, production, gold, culture, science, and happiness. The player has to balance these factors and maintain a stable and prosperous civilization.

The player can also build various structures that provide additional bonuses and abilities, such as granaries, temples, barracks, walls, markets, libraries, and wonders. Some structures require certain technologies to be researched first. The player can choose from a tech tree that contains over 100 technologies that unlock new features and options. The player can also interact with other civilizations through trade, diplomacy, or war. The player can send caravans to exchange resources or establish alliances with friendly civilizations. The player can also declare war on hostile civilizations or defend against barbarian raids. The combat system is based on dice rolls that depend on the units’ strength and modifiers.

The game ends when the player achieves one of the victory conditions or runs out of turns. The victory conditions vary depending on the mode and settings of the game. They can include building a world wonder (such as the Ziggurat of Ur or the Hanging Gardens of Babylon), reaching a certain score or culture level, conquering all other civilizations, or surviving until 2000 BC.

Gameplay of Pre-Civilization Bronze Age

The gameplay of Pre-Civilization Bronze Age is challenging and engaging. The game requires strategic thinking and planning ahead. The player has to make decisions that affect the short-term and long-term outcomes of their civilization. The player has to deal with various factors that influence their civilization’s growth and survival, such as population dynamics, resource management, environmental changes, natural disasters, technological progress, cultural development, and external threats. The game also offers historical accuracy and immersion. The game features authentic graphics and sounds that depict the ancient Mesopotamian culture and environment. The game also includes historical facts and trivia that provide educational value and context for the game events.

Game Modes

The game has two main game modes: campaign mode and sandbox mode.

  • Campaign mode: In this mode, the player has to complete 10 scenarios that represent different historical periods and challenges in the Mesopotamian region. Each scenario has its own objectives, map layout, difficulty level, starting conditions, available civilizations, and victory conditions. The scenarios are:

    • Neolithic Revolution: The player has to establish their first settlement on the banks of the Euphrates river and reach a population of 50 by 5000 BC.

    • Sumerian Renaissance: The player has to build their first city-state in Sumeria and reach a culture level of 100 by 4000 BC.

    • Akkadian Empire: The player has to unite Sumeria under the rule of Sargon of Akkad and conquer all other city-states by 2300 BC.

    • Babylonian Ascendancy: The player has to rebuild Babylon after its destruction by the Gutians and reach a score of 1000 by 1800 BC.

    • Hammurabi’s Code: The player has to enact the famous law code of Hammurabi and maintain a happiness level of 80% by 1700 BC.

    • Hittite Invasion: The player has to defend Babylon against the invasion of the Hittites and survive until 1600 BC.

    • Assyrian Empire: The player has to create a powerful empire under the rule of Ashur-uballit I and conquer all other civilizations by 1400 BC.

    • Babylonian Captivity: The player has to liberate Babylon from the domination of the Assyrians and the Chaldeans and rebuild the city by 600 BC.

    • Persian Conquest: The player has to resist the invasion of Cyrus the Great and his Persian army and survive until 539 BC.

    • Hanging Gardens: The player has to build the legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, by 500 BC.

  • Sandbox mode: In this mode, the player can customize the game settings and play as any of the available civilizations. The player can choose from 14 civilizations, each with their own unique bonuses and abilities. The civilizations are:

    • Sumerians: The first civilization in history. They have a bonus to culture and science.

    • Akkadians: The first empire in history. They have a bonus to production and gold.

    • Babylonians: The creators of the first law code in history. They have a bonus to happiness and defense.

    • Assyrians: The most warlike civilization in history. They have a bonus to attack and movement.

    • Hittites: The masters of iron and chariots. They have a bonus to unit strength and durability.

    • Elamites: The rivals of Mesopotamia. They have a bonus to trade and diplomacy.

    • Hurrians: The allies of the Hittites. They have a bonus to sheep herding and fishing.

    • Kassites: The invaders from the east. They have a bonus to mining and population growth.

    • Amorites: The nomads from the west. They have a bonus to farming and barbarian relations.

    • Chaldeans: The restorers of Babylon. They have a bonus to wonder building and culture.

    • Medes: The founders of the Median Empire. They have a bonus to cavalry units and happiness.

    • Persians: The conquerors of Mesopotamia. They have a bonus to unit diversity and gold.

    • Phoenicians: The seafarers of the Mediterranean. They have a bonus to naval units and trade.

    • Israelites: The followers of Yahweh. They have a bonus to culture and happiness.

The player can also choose the map size, difficulty level, starting year, ending year, and victory conditions for their game.

Advance Strategies

To succeed in Pre-Civilization Bronze Age, the player has to employ some advanced strategies that can help them optimize their civilization’s performance and overcome their enemies. Some of these strategies are:

  • Specialize your workers: Assign your workers to tasks that match their skills and your civilization’s needs. For example, if you need more food, assign more workers to farming, fishing, or sheep herding. If you need more production, assign more workers to mining or building. If you need more science, assign more workers to research or libraries. If you need more culture, assign more workers to temples or wonders. If you need more defense, assign more workers to barracks or walls.

  • Research wisely: Choose technologies that suit your civilization’s goals and situation. For example, if you want to expand your territory, research technologies that improve your movement or combat abilities, such as Wheel, Chariot, or Iron Working. If you want to boost your economy, research technologies that increase your resource output or trade options, such as Irrigation, Writing, or Coinage. If you want to enhance your culture, research technologies that unlock new structures or wonders, such as Ziggurat, Alphabet, or Astronomy.

  • Build smartly: Build structures that provide benefits that complement your civilization’s strengths or compensate for its weaknesses. For example, if you have a high food output, build granaries that increase your food storage capacity and prevent spoilage. If you have a low happiness level, build temples that increase your happiness and culture. If you have a low defense level, build walls that increase your defense and reduce enemy movement. If you have a low production level, build markets that increase your gold income and trade options.

  • Trade profitably: Trade with other civilizations that offer resources that you need or want at favorable rates. For example, if you need more production, trade with civilizations that offer production for food or gold. If you want more culture, trade with civilizations that offer culture for production or gold. If you want more science, trade with civilizations that offer science for food or gold. Avoid trading with civilizations that offer resources that you have in abundance or do not need at unfavorable rates.

  • Fight effectively: Fight with other civilizations that pose a threat to your interests or objectives.

  • Fight effectively: Fight with other civilizations that pose a threat to your interests or objectives. For example, if you want to conquer a city-state, fight with civilizations that are weaker or less defended than you. If you want to defend your territory, fight with civilizations that are stronger or more aggressive than you. Use units that have advantages over your enemies, such as cavalry against infantry, archers against cavalry, or spearmen against chariots. Use terrain and structures to your favor, such as hills, forests, rivers, or walls. Use diplomacy and alliances to avoid unnecessary wars or gain allies in your wars.

Tips for Winning

To win in Pre-Civilization Bronze Age, the player has to follow some general tips that can help them achieve their victory conditions and overcome their challenges. Some of these tips are:

  • Plan ahead: Think about your long-term goals and strategies before you make your decisions. Consider the consequences and benefits of your actions and how they affect your future options and outcomes. Anticipate the changes and events that may occur in the game and prepare for them accordingly.

  • Adapt to the situation: Be flexible and adaptable to the changing circumstances and opportunities in the game. Do not stick to a rigid or fixed plan that may not work in every situation. Be ready to change your tactics and priorities depending on the game conditions and feedback.

  • Balance your factors: Do not neglect or focus too much on any of the factors that influence your civilization’s performance and survival, such as food, production, gold, culture, science, happiness, defense, and attack. Try to maintain a balanced and stable level of each factor that meets your needs and goals. Avoid extremes or shortages that may harm or limit your civilization’s potential.

  • Explore and expand: Do not confine yourself to a small or isolated area of the map. Explore the map and discover new lands, resources, wonders, and civilizations. Expand your territory and influence by settling new cities, building roads, or conquering enemies. The more you explore and expand, the more options and advantages you have in the game.

  • Learn from history: Do not ignore or disregard the historical facts and trivia that are provided in the game. They can offer valuable insights and lessons that can help you understand and improve your game performance. They can also enrich your knowledge and appreciation of the ancient Mesopotamian civilization and culture.


Pre-Civilization Bronze Age is available on various platforms, such as web browsers, Windows PC, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, and Android devices . The game can be played online or offline on any of these platforms. The game has cross-platform compatibility and synchronization, which means that the player can play the same game on different devices and platforms without losing their progress or data.


Pre-Civilization Bronze Age has many features that make it an enjoyable and educational experience for the player. Some of these features are:

  • Historical accuracy and immersion: The game features authentic graphics and sounds that depict the ancient Mesopotamian culture and environment. The game also includes historical facts and trivia that provide educational value and context for the game events.

  • Turn-based strategy: The game is based on turn-based strategy mechanics that require strategic thinking and planning ahead. The player has to make decisions that affect the short-term and long-term outcomes of their civilization.

  • Tech tree: The game has a tech tree that contains over 100 technologies that unlock new features and options for the player. The player can choose from a variety of technologies that suit their civilization’s goals and situation.

  • Structures and wonders: The game allows the player to build various structures that provide additional bonuses and abilities for their civilization. The player can also build world wonders that represent the achievements of their civilization.

  • Civilizations: The game offers 14 civilizations to choose from, each with their own unique bonuses and abilities. The player can play as any of these civilizations in sandbox mode or as specific civilizations in campaign mode.

  • Map size: The game allows the player to choose from different map sizes, ranging from small to huge. The map size affects the number of tiles, resources, wonders, civilizations, barbarians, and turns in the game.

  • Difficulty level: The game allows the player to choose from different difficulty levels, ranging from easy to impossible. The difficulty level affects the AI behavior, resource output, unit strength, and victory conditions in the game.

  • Starting year: The game allows the player to choose from different starting years, ranging from 6000 BC to 2000 BC. The starting year affects the initial conditions, available technologies, and ending year in the game.

  • Ending year: The game allows the player to choose from different ending years, ranging from 2000 BC to 500 BC. The ending year affects the number of turns, victory conditions, and historical events in the game.

  • Victory conditions: The game allows the player to choose from different victory conditions, such as building a world wonder, reaching a certain score or culture level, conquering all other civilizations, or surviving until the ending year. The victory conditions affect the objectives and challenges of the game.

Reviews of Pre-Civilization Bronze Age

Pre-Civilization Bronze Age is a game that combines historical accuracy and immersion with turn-based strategy and customization. The game offers a challenging and engaging gameplay that requires strategic thinking and planning ahead. The game also offers historical facts and trivia that provide educational value and context for the game events. The game has many features that make it an enjoyable and educational experience for the player, such as tech tree, structures, wonders, civilizations, map size, difficulty level, starting year, ending year, and victory conditions. The game is available on various platforms, such as web browsers, Windows PC, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, and Android devices.


  • The game is historically accurate and immersive.

  • The game is challenging and engaging.

  • The game is educational and informative.

  • The game is customizable and diverse.

  • The game is cross-platform and compatible.


  • The game can be repetitive and tedious.

  • The game can be frustrating and difficult.

  • The game can be buggy and glitchy.

  • The game can be expensive and inaccessible.

  • The game can be outdated and obsolete.

In Summary

Pre-Civilization Bronze Age Unblocked is a turn-based strategy game that simulates the development of ancient civilizations in the Mesopotamian Middle East between 6000 BC and 2000 BC. The game was developed by Clarus Victoria, a Russian indie studio that specializes in historical and educational games. The game was released on December 17, 2014 on Kongregate, a web gaming portal, and later on other platforms such as Coolmath Games, Y8 Games, Armor Games, Windows PC, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, and Android devices. The game features authentic graphics and sounds that depict the ancient Mesopotamian culture and environment. The game also includes historical facts and trivia that provide educational value and context for the game events. The game requires strategic thinking and planning ahead. The player has to make decisions that affect the short-term and long-term outcomes of their civilization. The player has to deal with various factors that influence their civilization’s growth and survival, such as population dynamics, resource management, environmental changes, natural disasters, technological progress, cultural development, and external threats. The player can also build various structures that provide additional bonuses and abilities for their civilization. The player can also build world wonders that represent the achievements of their civilization. The player can also interact with other civilizations through trade, diplomacy, or war. The player can choose from 14 civilizations to play as in sandbox mode or as specific civilizations in campaign mode. The player can also choose from different map sizes, difficulty levels, starting years, ending years, and victory conditions for their game. The game ends when the player achieves one of the victory conditions or runs out of turns.


Pre-Civilization Bronze Age Unblocked is a game that combines historical accuracy and immersion with turn-based strategy and customization. The game offers a challenging and engaging gameplay that requires strategic thinking and planning ahead. The game also offers historical facts and trivia that provide educational value and context for the game events. The game has many features that make it an enjoyable and educational experience for the player. However, the game also has some drawbacks that may limit its appeal or quality. Therefore, the game may not be suitable or satisfying for everyone. Nevertheless, the game is worth trying for anyone who is interested in history or strategy games.

