
Played 510 times.

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Zombocalypse Unblocked is a thrilling zombie shooting game that will keep you on the edge of your seat. In this game, you have to survive the endless waves of undead creatures that are coming for you. You can use various weapons and power-ups to fight them off, but be careful not to run out of ammo or health. this is a game that will test your skills, reflexes, and strategy.

Controls of Zombocalypse

You can play this game using either the basic or the advanced controls. The basic controls are:

  • Left and right arrow keys to move

  • Space bar to use weapon

  • Down arrow key to pick up crates (hold to drop weapon)

  • Up arrow key to call in support (at 25, 50, and 100 kills)

The advanced controls are:

  • A and D keys to move

  • W key to call in support

  • S key to pick up crates (hold to drop weapon)

  • Mouse to aim and shoot

You can switch between the basic and the advanced controls in the options menu.

How to Play

To play this game, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to Classroom 6x and search the game

  • Click on the play button to start the game

  • Choose your difficulty level (easy, normal, or hard)

  • Choose your character (you can unlock more characters by completing achievements)

  • Choose your weapon (you can unlock more weapons by earning money)

  • Click on the start button to begin the game

  • Use the controls to move, shoot, and pick up crates

  • Try to survive as long as possible and kill as many zombies as you can

  • You can pause the game by pressing the P key or clicking on the pause button

  • You can resume the game by pressing the P key or clicking on the resume button

  • You can quit the game by pressing the Q key or clicking on the quit button

  • You can view your stats, achievements, and options by clicking on the menu button


This is a game that features fast-paced and intense gameplay. The game consists of multiple levels, each with a different background and a different number of zombies. The zombies will come from both sides of the screen, and you have to shoot them before they reach you. You can also use melee attacks to knock them back, but this will consume your stamina. You can restore your stamina by picking up crates that contain food or drinks.

The crates will also contain other items, such as weapons, ammo, health kits, and power-ups. You can pick up crates by pressing the down arrow key or the S key, depending on your control scheme. You can only carry one weapon at a time, so you have to decide whether to keep your current weapon or switch to a new one. You can also drop your weapon by holding the down arrow key or the S key, which will make you faster but more vulnerable.

You can also call in support by pressing the up arrow key or the W key, depending on your control scheme. You can only call in support three times per level, and only when you have reached 25, 50, and 100 kills. The support will consist of airstrikes, helicopters, or nukes, depending on your character and your kill count. The support will help you clear the screen of zombies, but be careful not to get caught in the blast.

You can earn money by killing zombies, picking up crates, and completing achievements. You can use the money to buy new weapons, upgrade your existing weapons, or unlock new characters. Each weapon and character has its own stats, such as damage, fire rate, reload speed, accuracy, health, and stamina. You can view the stats of each weapon and character in the shop menu.

You can also earn experience points by killing zombies, picking up crates, and completing achievements. You can use the experience points to level up your character, which will increase your health, stamina, and damage. You can view your level and your experience points in the stats menu.

You can also earn medals by completing achievements, such as killing a certain number of zombies, surviving for a certain amount of time, or using a certain weapon. You can view your medals and your achievements in the achievements menu.

Game Modes

It has two game modes: campaign and survival. In the campaign mode, you have to complete 10 levels, each with a different background and a different number of zombies. You can choose your difficulty level, your character, and your weapon before starting each level. You can also replay any level you have completed to improve your score or earn more money.

In the survival mode, you have to survive as long as possible in a randomly generated level. You can choose your character and your weapon before starting the survival mode. You can also change your weapon by picking up crates during the survival mode. You can compare your score and your time with other players on the leaderboard.

Advanced Strategies

This is a game that requires skill, reflexes, and strategy. Here are some advanced strategies that can help you survive longer and kill more zombies:

  • Use the right weapon for the right situation. Different weapons have different advantages and disadvantages, such as damage, fire rate, reload speed, accuracy, and range. For example, a shotgun is good for close-range combat, but bad for long-range combat. A sniper rifle is good for long-range combat, but bad for close-range combat. A machine gun is good for medium-range combat, but bad for accuracy and reload speed. A flamethrower is good for crowd control, but bad for ammo and damage. A chainsaw is good for melee combat, but bad for stamina and range. You have to choose the weapon that suits your play style and the level you are playing.

  • Use the environment to your advantage. Some levels have obstacles, such as barrels, crates, cars, or fences, that can block the zombies or explode when shot. You can use these obstacles to create choke points, traps, or diversions for the zombies. You can also use these obstacles to cover yourself from the zombies or the support blasts.

  • Use the power-ups wisely. Some crates contain power-ups, such as invincibility, double damage, slow motion, or rapid fire, that can give you a temporary boost. You can use these power-ups to get out of a tight spot, to clear a large wave of zombies, or to increase your kill count. However, you have to be careful not to waste these power-ups, as they are rare and limited. You also have to be careful not to pick up a power-up that you don’t need or that can harm you, such as a power-up that reduces your damage, your fire rate, or your accuracy.

  • Use the support strategically. You can call in support by pressing the up arrow key or the W key, depending on your control scheme. You can only call in support three times per level, and only when you have reached 25, 50, and 100 kills. The support will consist of airstrikes, helicopters, or nukes, depending on your character and your kill count. The support will help you clear the screen of zombies, but be careful not to get caught in the blast. You have to use the support at the right time and the right place, such as when you are surrounded by zombies, when you are low on health or ammo, or when you want to finish the level quickly.

Tips for Winning

This is a game that can be challenging and rewarding. Here are some tips that can help you win the game:

  • Keep moving. Staying in one place will make you an easy target for the zombies. You have to keep moving left and right, dodging the zombies and picking up crates. You can also use the melee attack to knock back the zombies that are too close to you, but be careful not to deplete your stamina.

  • Aim for the head. Shooting the zombies in the head will deal more damage and kill them faster. You can also earn more money and experience points by performing headshots. You can use the mouse to aim and shoot, or the space bar to shoot in the direction you are facing, depending on your control scheme.

  • Reload often. Running out of ammo will leave you defenseless and vulnerable. You have to reload your weapon before it runs out of ammo, or switch to a new weapon if you have one. You can reload your weapon by pressing the R key, or by picking up a crate that contains ammo, depending on your control scheme.

  • Manage your health and stamina. Losing all your health or stamina will result in your death. You have to restore your health and stamina by picking up crates that contain health kits, food, or drinks. You can also increase your health and stamina by leveling up your character, or by buying upgrades for your character in the shop menu.

  • Upgrade your weapons and characters. Buying new weapons, upgrading your existing weapons, or unlocking new characters will improve your performance and your chances of survival. You can buy weapons, upgrades, or characters in the shop menu, using the money you have earned by killing zombies, picking up crates, and completing achievements. You can also view the stats of each weapon and character in the shop menu, and compare them with your current weapon and character.


Zombocalypse Unblocked is available on the following platforms:

  • Web browser (desktop-only)

  • Android

  • iOS

You can play this game on any web browser that supports HTML5, Classroom 6x such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge. You can also play this game on your mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets, by downloading the app from the Google Play Store or the App Store.


It has many features that make it a fun and exciting game, such as:

  • 10 levels with different backgrounds and zombies

  • Survival mode with randomly generated levels and leaderboard

  • 20 weapons with different stats and upgrades

  • 10 characters with different stats and abilities

  • 100 achievements with different medals and rewards

  • 3 difficulty levels with different challenges and bonuses

  • 2 control schemes with basic and advanced options

  • Stunning graphics and sound effects

  • Smooth and responsive gameplay


Zombocalypse Unblocked is a game that has received positive reviews from both critics and players. Here are some of the pros and cons of the game, based on the reviews:


  • This is a game that is fun and addictive. The game offers a lot of variety and replay value, with different levels, modes, weapons, characters, achievements, and difficulty levels. The game is also easy to learn and play, with simple and intuitive controls.

  • This is a game that is challenging and rewarding. The game tests your skills, reflexes, and strategy, with different types of zombies, obstacles, power-ups, and support. The game also rewards you with money, experience points, medals, and new weapons and characters, for your performance and achievements.

  • This is a game that is impressive and immersive. The game features stunning graphics and sound effects, that create a realistic and atmospheric zombie apocalypse. The game also features smooth and responsive gameplay, that makes you feel like you are in the middle of the action.


  • This is a game that can be frustrating and repetitive. The game can be very difficult and unfair, especially on the higher difficulty levels, with more and faster zombies, fewer and weaker weapons, and less and rarer crates and power-ups. The game can also be very repetitive and boring, especially on the lower difficulty levels, with less and slower zombies, more and stronger weapons, and more and frequent crates and power-ups.

  • This is a game that can be buggy and glitchy. The game can have some technical issues, such as crashes, freezes, lags, or errors, that can affect your gameplay and progress. The game can also have some gameplay issues, such as glitches, exploits, or cheats, that can affect your performance and achievements.

In Summary

Zombocalypse is a thrilling zombie shooting game that will keep you on the edge of your seat. In this game, you have to survive the endless waves of undead creatures that are coming for you. You can use various weapons and power-ups to fight them off, but be careful not to run out of ammo or health. Zombocalypse is a game that will test your skills, reflexes, and strategy.


Zombocalypse Unblocked is a game that is worth playing, if you are a fan of zombie games, shooting games, or action games. The game has many features that make it a fun and exciting game, such as 10 levels, survival mode, 20 weapons, 10 characters, 100 achievements, 3 difficulty levels, 2 control schemes, stunning graphics and sound effects, and smooth and responsive gameplay. The game also has some drawbacks that can make it a frustrating and repetitive game, such as difficulty and unfairness, repetitiveness and boredom, bugs and glitches. However, these drawbacks can be overlooked or fixed, if you enjoy the game and its genre. Zombocalypse is a game that is worth trying, and you can play it for free on CrazyGames.


Action Survival Zombie